Hello All:
Just a quick update.. No change since last Tuesday, still sucks to be me!!! All weekend in pain and I had another very bad drive home. He seems to hit me half way home. I was also having trouble sitting around 11 am and it got worse by 4pm.
I thought I would be alright coming home because I felt OK
hobbling out to my car. Then as soon as I got close to Oregon City it became very very difficult. I started rubbing my left leg and hitting it against the door. Nothing helped. I need to try to relax because I hit my hand on the shifter Knob so hard I thought I broke my hand. Its just frustration. As I have been saying, I am sick of it and everyone I know has to be sick and tired of it. I just don't understand how I could have a surgery to fix my pain which it seemed to. But after almost 2 months its gotten worse but on the other side??
Until I see my Doctor next Monday its all speculation. I guess I just have to suck it up and deal with it. The only problem is, I DON'T WANT TO....Its getting to the point I don't even want to get in my car anymore. I hate driving.
Its not just getting through the day...This weekend, I got up at 7:30 on Saturday and 7:00 am on Sunday. I woke up because of pain and could not stay in bed any longer. It sucks because I LIKE TO SLEEP IN!!!
Nothing is getting better and everything related to my legs seem to be going wrong. Several people at work today noticed I have started limping again. I am trying not to but everything hurts and its hard to move....
If I am missing something please let me know, but I don't see how the surgery I just had caused my left side to freak out!! If I "overloaded" my left side compensating it would begin to get better over the last month as I start walking normally...
But that is not happening. Anyway, I could spend all day guessing. I will just have to wait and see.
See ya later