Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hot Saturday

Temperature is on the rise! Not the best part of the summer to me. But the evenings are nice. My wife loves to be outside listening to the radio in the back yard. Me too. A beer or two is also nice.

Well, I am can now put 50% of my weight on my foot. I trying to decide if I should use my cane or both crutches? I think after a week or so I will decide. I go back to the doctors August 10th. I hope by then he tells me to throw the crutches and the cane away for good.

Swimming has been great. I would suggest it to everyone. It has been a very very big help. I am also continuing my PT exercises. My left leg is getting stronger and the pain during the exercises is also less. Progress even very small is adding confidence and giving me a more positive outlook. I want it to continue. Cross your fingers.

My birthday was great. Turning 44 is good now that I feel better and ALL of my health issues are in the rear view mirror. This will be a much better year.

I got tickets to Oregon VS Purdue in September. That was a good match up last year so should be a great game to see in Eugene. I cant wait. I love going to see the Ducks its a blast. I was worried I wouldn't be able to.

I wish the best for everyone and don't forget to stop by Facebook.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Busy Weekend!!

It has been a very busy weekend. Aaron had 4 soccer games, 2 on Friday and two on Sunday.

Unfortunately, they got there butts kicked in all 4 games. Aaron played great even though he broke his wrist on the first game!!

Just a small fracture no big deal. He ended up playing all the games just not as Keeper. Very proud of him as he played hard and didn't let his sore wrist get in the way.

I think as they play more games together they will improve very quickly as team.

He and Theresa left for Lake Shasta this morning! Aaron has been looking forward to this for a long time and I am glad he did not end up with a cast and miss his trip.

My hip has been feeling much better this weekend. Even with the increased weight and activity.

It makes me feel like I truly am on the downside of this "issue"...I just cant wait to finally get all the benefits of the surgery and have ZERO PAIN!!! Otherwise what was the point...

As you can see I joined the rest of the world and signed up for Facebook. We shall see how it goes.

I really cant think of anything else to write so I will see you later....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I was up in Seattle Sunday and Monday. I took my son Cam with me. He is interested in going to the University of Washington because of the Medical School. So went up early to tour the school.

It is a very nice campus, but very very hilly!!

We had a blast. I had to take him around using the car but we got a good feel for the campus. We parked and walked about a mile on Monday morning. It was nice to get out of the car and look around. It was tough but I enjoyed it.

We had a great dinner on Sunday too.

My doctors appointment on Monday went very well. My hip is healing well. As a result he said I can start putting 25% of my weight on the hip for two weeks. Then 50% after that for two weeks.

I then go back for another check up. I did explain the pain I have been having and the trouble sleeping. He told me that the pain is from the soft tissue still healing and to continue using over the counter pain relief. The healing should begin to accelerate as well.

I also told him about my thigh being numb. He told me that he has never had anyone stay numb this long but not to be concerned. I am though. I read a white paper the other day that said most people should expect to have significant numbness in the outside portion of the thigh after a PAO procedure. We shall see...

I still would do it again!! I know it will be worth it. I JUST WANT THE PAIN TO GO AWAY FOR GOOD!!

He also told me to swim as much as possible as it will accelerate the healing process.

Despite all of the complaining and frustration over the last 6 weeks, I am happy to have done this. I know it is worth it. Just to be off the pain medication and to finally begin to plug back into the family.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thank God its Wednesday

I will be very brief. I am dragging so far this week. My leg is really bothering me. It hurts to sit at work so I get up and move around. It hurts to drive to and from work. More so on the way home.

It is very sore at home also. Right now I have ice on my hip and seems to help. Not sure why the pain has flared up?? I hope its just from all the increase in activity. I felt much better last week??

I see the doc on Monday so we will see.

I am tired so that's enough today......

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Had a great 4th yesterday. Did not do much during the day but we went as a family to the Portland Beavers Baseball game and fireworks show.

I enjoy going to PGE Park and it was nice to finally do a family outing. I had a long walk to the stadium but made there and back OK on my crutches.

I sat most of the game with not much pain or difficulty. The fireworks were nice.

I started going to the gym on Friday. I did 30 minutes of biking. I paid for it Saturday, which is why I did not do much all day Saturday. I was resting up of the baseball game.

I am going to try and go to the gym at least 3 days a week. Over time I know it is going to help my leg feel better.

I meet the doctor in about a week. I hope by then I can put more weight on it. I am still having numbness in my thigh which is the biggest concern of mine. Is it going to come all the way back or not? If it doesn't was all this worth it. It feels weird..

Anyway, nothing major going on... I hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July.