It was great tot catch up with everyone and see my nieces. Food was great too. I really didn't have any issues to speak of. My leg felt good and I have been having more energy lately.
Got home at about 10:30 pm, caught up on all the games on Espn and went to bed.
Yesterday we cleaned up around the house a bit then went on a fun hike at a new Wildlife Reserve. It was good exercise.

I handled the hike fairly well and it felt good to get out and walk. It was about a 1 mile hike I think. The weather was Awesome also.
After that everyone came over to my house for another family get together. It was fun!
Today I am trying decide if I should put up my Christmas lights or do it tomorrow. I am still nervous about getting on a ladder. I need to also go through my lights and get news ones if needed. I tossed a bunch last year. We shall see....
Anyway, watching the Florida vs Florida State and ASU vs Arizona.. Good rivalry games today.
Have a great weekend!!!