As I said earlier, I was not prepared at all for what lay ahead.
Now I thought I was fully prepared and well informed about this test. I saw pictures and videos on the Internet, which my Doctor told me not to do. However, is it funny how you always do what some one says not to.
Anyway, there I sat in front of my Doctor as he explained exactly what he was going to do. I stripped down and put on the gown.
He then had me lay on my left side with my knees pushed up toward my stomach. Almost in a fetal position. He then pushed me to very edge of the bed, (this becomes important later).
Next he disinfected the area on my back he was going to insert the needle and gave me a healthy dose of a topical anesthetic. He chose an area just above my right butt cheek . The goal is to get into the pelvic bone.
He then took a small scalpel and made a small incision. So far no big deal! Now keep in mind I cant see a thing he is doing and Thank God!!
Next, he took the needle and began inserting it slowly into my back. When he hit bone, I swear I heard a pop. Then he told me he was going to begin removing the bone marrow but it would feel a little weird! If I wasn't freaking out by now that sure helped !!
Sure enough as he began drawing out the marrow I got a little dizzy and light headed. Then he removed the needle, patted me on the back and said "take a break for a minute".
Now the fun begins.......................
He re-inserted the needle for a second time in order to get a sample of bone. Now you would think this would be straight forward but it was not.
He began twisting the needle and pushing very hard on my back. So hard he nearly pushed me off the bed. As he worked the needle back and forth, back and forth I could hear him breathing heavy and thought, "that does not sound good".. I all of the sudden broke out in a cold sweat as I got a dull sensation rush down the right side of my leg. I felt like an enormous amount of pressure was rushing through my back.
He then stopped and I felt the needle coming out. I then heard whispering in the back ground and a great big sigh! My only thought was NO WAY HE IS GOING BACK IN!!
At this point, I am shaking uncontrollably and getting very cold from the flop sweat all over my body.
The doctor apologized and said " You have very dense bone, I am use to doing this on 60 year old women". Great, I am Wolverine with Adamantiam bones!!
He then FIRMLY placed his hand on my hip and re-inserted the needle (for a third time). He pushed harder then before and nurse held my legs so I would fall off the table.
I started sweating, I nearly bit my lip off and tears started falling out of my left eye!! I thought I was going to die! I can only say it really was not a feeling of pain but as I said earlier, just a feeling of enormous pressure and force being placed on my lower back and though out my entire lower body!
After what felt like an eternity he pulled the needle back out and I prayed he was done.
Prayer answered, he said he finally got what he needed, patted me again and left the room.
The nurse apologized, cleaned up the site and put a dressing on it. She helped me sit up, I felt a bit dizzy but OK.
The nurse gathered up all the samples and left the room.
Once alone, it took every ounce of strength I had to not lose it in that room. I got dressed and set up my next appointment.
Believe it or not, I went back to work. I didn't talk to anyone or take phone calls. I just basically sat there and tried to keep it together.
That night after I went to bed, I absolutely lost it. I swear I cried for about an hour. Not really sure why..
It was an extremely emotionally draining experience for me and I pray I will never have to do it again.
I read a story of a cancer patient who has to do this test once a month. ONCE A MONTH, I can not imagine. I have enormous respect for those who do this on a regular basis. I truly don't think I could do that again..
And hears the funny part, I had actually suggested he do this before the CT scan as I was very anxious to know what was going on. I AM AN IDIOT!!
So there you have it!! IT SUCKED!!
1 comment:
Hey...it's your sister here. OMG. I am so sorry you had to go thru that. I wish that I was back in Oregon just to be there and support you. Will do what I can at this distance. Just wanted you to know I love you very much and think about you every day....
ps. a co worker of mine has chronic myelogenous leukemia and has had it for eight years. she is doing very well and just has to keep track of her blood levels and takes an oral med regularly but i dont remember what she said it is. anyway, you just need to live your life normally and take care of yourself...
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