We had a good time together but missed the boys.
Cameron got his Lifeguard certification which was a ton of work.
Aaron got 4 merit badges----AWESOME!!
Check out the waterfront at Meriweather. It is a fantastic camp..

Both the boys are looking forward to doing nothing for awhile. They are dead tired.
Cam's Birthday is tomorrow and is very excited to turn 15!! Not sure how I feel about teaching him to drive. We shall see how that works out!!
I have been feeling better than two weeks ago but still get tired very easy. I am going to my General Doc next Friday. I have not seen him since my HCL Diagnosis and thought it would be a good idea to see him. I want figure out if there is anything he can suggest to help me through this fatigue issue.
I also need to figure out and fix my back issues. Ever since I got back from the Hospital I have been having chronic back problems. It is sore but not so bad I need medication. However, it is irritating and may be contributing to my fatigue.
I also need to get some recommendations on a good eye doctor. I need new glasses and I am getting more and more eye fatigue.
Other than that things are going fine and I am feeling good. Very interested to see where my counts end up in September.
Talk to you soon!!
Hi Greg,
Nice to see life is getting back to (a new) normal.
The pix of Meriweather brings back memories. I'm an Eagle scout from Portand stuck in Japan now and spent a few summers there.
Take care,
Tokyo HCL
Hey Tokyo HCL, thanks for the note!
Small world isnt it.. We have been to Meriweather 3 times as a troop.
The boys love it....
Take care!!!
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