My counts are below:

My doctor is fairly happy with my progress. He scheduled me for another check in December. I was hoping I would not have to go back until next year but I think he just wants to be sure.
We also discussed my MRI. He is going to review it. He was very worried about my right leg pain. He sent me down for an x-ray on my leg and pelvis. I should get results some time next week. My leg is only painful when I slightly rotate it open and lift it. He thinks because of that there may be an issue with my hip socket. Who knows. It has been getting worse. It was originally why I went to the doctor in January but got distracted.
I am trying to stretch and stay active. I hope it will just work itself out. We shall see. I could very likely have mild arthritis in my hip as well.
I hope everyone watched the show "Stand Up for Cancer" it was great. I watched some of it. It was very difficult and honestly made me cry in spots. There a lot of people out there who have it a hell of a lot rougher than I do. I try to feel lucky but its not all that easy. I am posting a link to the website: Check it out.
The family pulled me away from the TV and we went for a treat at the new Sonic. It was great taking the boys and eating in an old fashioned Drive In. It was great.
The Ducks kicked Utah's butt today!!! Now its time to get ready for Purdue. We better win. I made a bet with a colleague at work and I not going to fly a Purdue flag above my desk all week if the Ducks lose!!!
Well that should do it for today. Life is good.
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