Good news, I got my Vicodin prescription re-newed! I am getting very self conscious when I pick up my prescription. I feel like a drug seeker!! I know I am not abusing it but I keep having to get my Doctor allow another re-fill on an expired prescription. I am worried one day they will say NO and I will be mortified!
Today, I noticed a bright green sticker on the bottle. My heart started jumping out of my chest! Then the technician walks over to me, looking me up and down. Took the bottle out of the bag and was beginning to talk to me about my prescription. My first thought was OH MY GOD THEY TAGGED ME AS A DRUG SEEKER AND SHE GOING TO PUT ME ON A PROGRAM!!
Turns out they changed the look of the pills and it was a notification. I swear my palms were sweating and face was probably beat red!!!
Any way, as of today I am starting to get pain in my left groin when I am sitting. I am not going to jump to conclusions but I may have the same impingement issue as my right side. I am trying to keep track of my pain day to day so that when I talk with my doctor I can tell him exactly whats going on. Just like my right side, the pain seems to be increasing each week. Again, all I can do is keep track of it and wait. If it continues to get worse throughout the week and I am on pain meds every day this week, I will call the doctor middle of next week. The problem is I will have to then take time off and drive up to Seattle, which not only is pain because of the time, but it sucks because it hurts!!!!! I am having more and more trouble sitting. Like yesterday I had to keep walking around in order to make through the day. Over the counter medication IS NOT WORKING AT ALL ANYMORE!!!
I think this is all the more reason to hurry up and start re-hab. I hope to start swimming this weekend provided I feel up to it. Really, all that I have done is walk around the block with my dog last Saturday. I just have not been able to get moving because of the pain. I have to force myself to do it!!!
Starting to ramble...............My HCL seems to be in check as I have not been feeling abnormally tired. What I mean by that is I know the chronic pain drains me some what and after taking that into consideration, I am actually able to make through the day fairly easily. I would expect my counts in March to be the same as December, OUT of the PARK.............. I really don't even want to know if they start to fall as I cant even imagine dealing with that right now.
Take it easy.......................
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Happy Saturday!!!
The kids went on a Boy Scout camp out Friday for the weekend leaving the two of us HOME Alone!!! Its been great. We went out to happy hour Friday Night and dinner with friends tonight, at Crab Shack!!
Crab Shack was awesome we will be going back! Did more work around the house, too. Unplugged all the bathroom drains. Including my bath tub which has been clogged for a year at least. Don't ever wash your dog in your bathtub!!! It has never worked the same since! Its been good to get back into doing house projects... They sound simple but all of them have been badly needed and driving everyone nuts.
However................My left leg is still driving me nuts. I have been to tears 3 days this week, including last night. Took a Vicodin last night. Took one this afternoon after getting house work done and took two about 30 minutes ago! I swear this is starting to feel like my right leg did.... The pain starts in my groin and radiates into my right cheek. When I lift my right leg up and turn it towards me it hurts. It never used to. Last night and the other day it felt like someone took a board and slammed it into my right hip! Pain also radiates through my knee and to my toes. I think some of that is nerve pain from my back. I have been sitting every night with a hot flax seed pack on my back, which helps my back but when I put it on my hip it offers ZERO relief. The only thing that has been making it bearable is the Vicodin. I had to renew my prescription which I was hoping I would not have too. But OH WELL!!!!! Like I said it could always be worse.
I find it highly unlikely that I either tore my other Labrum or I have an impingement on this side. If I did my Doctor would of seen something, which he didn't.
So my only thought is maybe my Dysplasia is bothering me or its my back. More than likely its my back. At least I hope it is. I am tired of hurting and I know everyone is tired of me complaining. I am terrible at hiding it too. I wish I could. Like I said I am back on Vicodin as the Ibuprofen and Tylenol is not helping at all. I have been alternating 4 every 4 hours but the pain is getting more intense. Unfortunately, I have been limping a little on my left side. Usually after sitting. When I walk around it loosens up and I stop limping.
I didn't yet start swimming, which I need to do!! I am hoping starting to swim will help work out this issue with my left leg.
I am not use to dealing with chronic pain and I am very worried that's where I am heading.
Who knows I guess I just half to wait and see. I will know a lot more on my next visit in February. I just don't know, emotionally, if I can handle this. It is really starting to stress me out. Last year was "The Year of Greg", as my wife calls it. 2009 was suppose to be different! All these issues were suppose to be over and done with. I cant handle another year like 2008 and neither can my family!! Keep your fingers crossed!!!
But, it is what it is and there is not a damn thing I can do about it I guess......
By the way, read the book The Watchmen if you are comic book buff (like me). It is one of the best I have read, which ain't saying much since its only the second book in 20 years I have read. Should be finished with it tomorrow. First time I read a book in a week. Cant wait for the movie which is coming out in March!! It really puts a whole new perspective on super heroes.
Talk to you later..
The kids went on a Boy Scout camp out Friday for the weekend leaving the two of us HOME Alone!!! Its been great. We went out to happy hour Friday Night and dinner with friends tonight, at Crab Shack!!
Crab Shack was awesome we will be going back! Did more work around the house, too. Unplugged all the bathroom drains. Including my bath tub which has been clogged for a year at least. Don't ever wash your dog in your bathtub!!! It has never worked the same since! Its been good to get back into doing house projects... They sound simple but all of them have been badly needed and driving everyone nuts.
However................My left leg is still driving me nuts. I have been to tears 3 days this week, including last night. Took a Vicodin last night. Took one this afternoon after getting house work done and took two about 30 minutes ago! I swear this is starting to feel like my right leg did.... The pain starts in my groin and radiates into my right cheek. When I lift my right leg up and turn it towards me it hurts. It never used to. Last night and the other day it felt like someone took a board and slammed it into my right hip! Pain also radiates through my knee and to my toes. I think some of that is nerve pain from my back. I have been sitting every night with a hot flax seed pack on my back, which helps my back but when I put it on my hip it offers ZERO relief. The only thing that has been making it bearable is the Vicodin. I had to renew my prescription which I was hoping I would not have too. But OH WELL!!!!! Like I said it could always be worse.
I find it highly unlikely that I either tore my other Labrum or I have an impingement on this side. If I did my Doctor would of seen something, which he didn't.
So my only thought is maybe my Dysplasia is bothering me or its my back. More than likely its my back. At least I hope it is. I am tired of hurting and I know everyone is tired of me complaining. I am terrible at hiding it too. I wish I could. Like I said I am back on Vicodin as the Ibuprofen and Tylenol is not helping at all. I have been alternating 4 every 4 hours but the pain is getting more intense. Unfortunately, I have been limping a little on my left side. Usually after sitting. When I walk around it loosens up and I stop limping.
I didn't yet start swimming, which I need to do!! I am hoping starting to swim will help work out this issue with my left leg.
I am not use to dealing with chronic pain and I am very worried that's where I am heading.
Who knows I guess I just half to wait and see. I will know a lot more on my next visit in February. I just don't know, emotionally, if I can handle this. It is really starting to stress me out. Last year was "The Year of Greg", as my wife calls it. 2009 was suppose to be different! All these issues were suppose to be over and done with. I cant handle another year like 2008 and neither can my family!! Keep your fingers crossed!!!
But, it is what it is and there is not a damn thing I can do about it I guess......
By the way, read the book The Watchmen if you are comic book buff (like me). It is one of the best I have read, which ain't saying much since its only the second book in 20 years I have read. Should be finished with it tomorrow. First time I read a book in a week. Cant wait for the movie which is coming out in March!! It really puts a whole new perspective on super heroes.
Talk to you later..
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
How am I doing!
That's a simple question but I am not so sure its a simple answer. Yes my right hip is getting better. It aches like the Doctor said but overall it seems to be improving.
What I did not expect was back pain and left hip and left leg pain. I am assuming my left leg pain is related to my lower back pain. That I am assuming is from limping, and using crutches and the cane.
But my left hip has been off an on since my surgery. Last night in particular it felt like someone took a two by four and slammed into my hip. I was in tears and took 4 vicodin to sleep!
Today it feels fine but my right hip is aching, again Thats to be expected!
So the question is, should I be worried?? I guess only time will tell. I need to start swimming in order to re-hab this thing. I need to start soon.
Take it easy and that's it for today!
That's a simple question but I am not so sure its a simple answer. Yes my right hip is getting better. It aches like the Doctor said but overall it seems to be improving.
What I did not expect was back pain and left hip and left leg pain. I am assuming my left leg pain is related to my lower back pain. That I am assuming is from limping, and using crutches and the cane.
But my left hip has been off an on since my surgery. Last night in particular it felt like someone took a two by four and slammed into my hip. I was in tears and took 4 vicodin to sleep!
Today it feels fine but my right hip is aching, again Thats to be expected!
So the question is, should I be worried?? I guess only time will tell. I need to start swimming in order to re-hab this thing. I need to start soon.
Take it easy and that's it for today!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Followup of Doctor visit
So I think it is about time I tell you all what my doctor said on Monday!
Surprisingly it was very straightforward and not very complicated.
First of all he said everything went as planned. He showed us pictures of the procedure. He explained that my labrum had a lot of "stretch marks" and very "stringy" which indicates it has been rubbing against something. He showed me where the tear was. It was not as bad of a tear as I thought. He did not even need to anchor it down. Because of my shallow hip sockets my labrum is stretched fairly tight, tighter than he would like and based on the lack of severity of the tear he left it alone. The tissue below the labrum was very very red again indicating a great deal of rubbing which was causing all the pain.
He also showed me how my hip joint has begun to degenerate as a result of my dysplasia. Its not bad but it is not consistent with a 43 year old man. So hopefully we can slow it down or stop it and avoid a hip replacement!
He spent most of the time reshaping my Femur. He said he is about 80% sure this procedure will eliminate all my pain. We seem to be heading in the right direction. My pain has become more manageable. I am off all of the heavy pain meds. I am slowing getting myself off of Vicodin. I have been only taken it at night if I need it. Which to date has been every night! Usually 2. This is way down from what I have been taking over the last 4 months. Some where between 4-8 a day.
He also removed the stitches! The incisions are mostly healed by now and look great. He told me I don't need to use the crutches anymore!!! YEAH!! They were driving me nuts and I suck using them!!! They get in the way and spent most of my time picking them up off the floor! He suggested I use my cane only to steady myself and keep myself from falling.
He explained that the bone will be weak as a result of the re-shaping so I can not fall! If I do I might break it!! Dr Downer said no one has ever broken his/her femur after this procedure and he did not want me to be the first!
So, looks like we wait! I will have some pain and it could last for up to 4 months. If after 6 months I continue with hip pain we may need to re-think our strategy and focus on my dysplasia. I go back in about a month.
Its all good and I am telling you I truly feel things are finally going in the right direction after 1 year of stress, tears (well not mine cause I am a real MAN) and uncertainly.... By the way, everyone says I look GOOD!! I have been getting compliments over the last two days!!
Either I am a Hottie or I looked like absolute DOG CRAP for a year!!!!
After I see my this Doc in Feb I will be seeing my Hemo Doc for a routine CBC. After that smooth sailing and no surprises!!
Take it easy!!!
Surprisingly it was very straightforward and not very complicated.
First of all he said everything went as planned. He showed us pictures of the procedure. He explained that my labrum had a lot of "stretch marks" and very "stringy" which indicates it has been rubbing against something. He showed me where the tear was. It was not as bad of a tear as I thought. He did not even need to anchor it down. Because of my shallow hip sockets my labrum is stretched fairly tight, tighter than he would like and based on the lack of severity of the tear he left it alone. The tissue below the labrum was very very red again indicating a great deal of rubbing which was causing all the pain.
He also showed me how my hip joint has begun to degenerate as a result of my dysplasia. Its not bad but it is not consistent with a 43 year old man. So hopefully we can slow it down or stop it and avoid a hip replacement!
He spent most of the time reshaping my Femur. He said he is about 80% sure this procedure will eliminate all my pain. We seem to be heading in the right direction. My pain has become more manageable. I am off all of the heavy pain meds. I am slowing getting myself off of Vicodin. I have been only taken it at night if I need it. Which to date has been every night! Usually 2. This is way down from what I have been taking over the last 4 months. Some where between 4-8 a day.
He also removed the stitches! The incisions are mostly healed by now and look great. He told me I don't need to use the crutches anymore!!! YEAH!! They were driving me nuts and I suck using them!!! They get in the way and spent most of my time picking them up off the floor! He suggested I use my cane only to steady myself and keep myself from falling.
He explained that the bone will be weak as a result of the re-shaping so I can not fall! If I do I might break it!! Dr Downer said no one has ever broken his/her femur after this procedure and he did not want me to be the first!
So, looks like we wait! I will have some pain and it could last for up to 4 months. If after 6 months I continue with hip pain we may need to re-think our strategy and focus on my dysplasia. I go back in about a month.
Its all good and I am telling you I truly feel things are finally going in the right direction after 1 year of stress, tears (well not mine cause I am a real MAN) and uncertainly.... By the way, everyone says I look GOOD!! I have been getting compliments over the last two days!!
Either I am a Hottie or I looked like absolute DOG CRAP for a year!!!!
After I see my this Doc in Feb I will be seeing my Hemo Doc for a routine CBC. After that smooth sailing and no surprises!!
Take it easy!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
New Elements at the bottom of page
I have added some additional elements at the bottom of the page:
1. Pictures I have taken that I think are cool
2. A sports ticker
Just playing with the google gadgets. What do you think?
1. Pictures I have taken that I think are cool
2. A sports ticker
Just playing with the google gadgets. What do you think?
All is going well!
I seem to be progressing OK. I went back to work 1/2 days Thursday and Friday. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday trying to get off all of the pain meds I have been taking.
I am now getting myself off of the vicodin slowly. I still have a lot of leg pain which is more like an ache with a feeling of pressure.
I am using my crutches as much as possible, I should be using them 100% of the time. It is very much a pain in the butt!!
Monday the 12th I go back to see my doctor for my first follow up. I am looking forward to talking with him to find out exactly what it he did and get his take on whether this is it!!
Went out last night for Theresa's office party. It was nice to get out of the house and socialize. I did fairly well. I have trouble sitting for long periods of time and kept having to get up every 1/2 hour and take a walk. I did take pain pills before we went out and it helped.
I am still waking up with leg pain in the morning but now I am trying to control it with Tylenol and use Vicodin at night or as last resort. I hope in week or so I am total off all heavy pain meds for good!
I cant say this enough: NEVER GO COLD TURKEY!!! IT DOES NOT WORK!!
Have a great weekend and I will post results of my doctors appointment hopefully Monday night or Tuesday.
I am now getting myself off of the vicodin slowly. I still have a lot of leg pain which is more like an ache with a feeling of pressure.
I am using my crutches as much as possible, I should be using them 100% of the time. It is very much a pain in the butt!!
Monday the 12th I go back to see my doctor for my first follow up. I am looking forward to talking with him to find out exactly what it he did and get his take on whether this is it!!
Went out last night for Theresa's office party. It was nice to get out of the house and socialize. I did fairly well. I have trouble sitting for long periods of time and kept having to get up every 1/2 hour and take a walk. I did take pain pills before we went out and it helped.
I am still waking up with leg pain in the morning but now I am trying to control it with Tylenol and use Vicodin at night or as last resort. I hope in week or so I am total off all heavy pain meds for good!
I cant say this enough: NEVER GO COLD TURKEY!!! IT DOES NOT WORK!!
Have a great weekend and I will post results of my doctors appointment hopefully Monday night or Tuesday.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A few pictures from my New Years
The following are a few pictures I took before and after my surgery. Sorry no pictures during the surgery. That would be awesome!!!

Finally, I have a shot of my incisions. Just a couple of hole closed up with two stitches. It is amazing what they can do. I am very anxious to get feedback from Dr. Downer on the 12th as to what he did and my prognosis.

NO in the middle is not a tattoo!! They make you put your initials next to the area the doctor will be doing surgery on. That way they wont cut into the wrong side!!! Because there is only two holes I am guessing he did not suture down my labrum. Just a guess, as he would need a third hole to get another instrument and the sutures into my hip.
Very cool huh!!!. Anyway, I will post again after my appointment on Monday the 12th. On a side note, my left hip is still bugging me but I still think it is the effect of my limping and using the cane for so long.
Wish me luck getting back to work tomorrow. I am actually a tad bit scared. I am worried about pain during my drive. What if I trip in the parking lot, trip during work or bump it??
Oh well, I guess I do what I gotta do!!! Also, cross your fingers its not a "crazy day" either. I am not sure I could handle screaming customers, screaming co-workers or anything where I need to THINK!! I just want to "slide through the week".... Is that possible? Who knows but hear is hoping..
The first one, is in the waiting room the morning of the surgery!

Next is me on trip home. Since the doctor did spinal anesthesia I was very much awake most of the way back.. I would definitely do it again instead of general anesthesia.

Finally, I have a shot of my incisions. Just a couple of hole closed up with two stitches. It is amazing what they can do. I am very anxious to get feedback from Dr. Downer on the 12th as to what he did and my prognosis.

NO in the middle is not a tattoo!! They make you put your initials next to the area the doctor will be doing surgery on. That way they wont cut into the wrong side!!! Because there is only two holes I am guessing he did not suture down my labrum. Just a guess, as he would need a third hole to get another instrument and the sutures into my hip.
Very cool huh!!!. Anyway, I will post again after my appointment on Monday the 12th. On a side note, my left hip is still bugging me but I still think it is the effect of my limping and using the cane for so long.
Wish me luck getting back to work tomorrow. I am actually a tad bit scared. I am worried about pain during my drive. What if I trip in the parking lot, trip during work or bump it??
Oh well, I guess I do what I gotta do!!! Also, cross your fingers its not a "crazy day" either. I am not sure I could handle screaming customers, screaming co-workers or anything where I need to THINK!! I just want to "slide through the week".... Is that possible? Who knows but hear is hoping..
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Day after surgery
Hello to all:
I am feeling OK since surgery. Hip is very very sore and I am taking a number of medications to combat pain and swelling.
Theresa is helping me keep it straight. I appreciate the help because after I take this stuff I am totally zoned out!! But it keeps the pain down and the one thing I don't want to do is get behind the pain and start playing catchup. That would be miserable!
I am taking pictures and will post them soon. I am meeting with my Doc on the 12th, I think, I hope to have more on info at that time on what it saw when he was in there. I am very curious about my long term prognosis.
Anyway, as always, medication kitting in so time to go!!! ALL IS WELL SO FAR!!!
I am feeling OK since surgery. Hip is very very sore and I am taking a number of medications to combat pain and swelling.
Theresa is helping me keep it straight. I appreciate the help because after I take this stuff I am totally zoned out!! But it keeps the pain down and the one thing I don't want to do is get behind the pain and start playing catchup. That would be miserable!
I am taking pictures and will post them soon. I am meeting with my Doc on the 12th, I think, I hope to have more on info at that time on what it saw when he was in there. I am very curious about my long term prognosis.
Anyway, as always, medication kitting in so time to go!!! ALL IS WELL SO FAR!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Well, its about that time... Tomorrow at 7am I will be under the knife. I got to Seattle about 5pm today. My Dad and Mom were nice enough to drive and come with me. It makes it a lot easier to deal with.
As I have said before I am very eager to get this done and finally be pain free! However, I am getting more and more nervous as it get closer to surgery time. This is the most complicated surgery I have had done and it makes me nervous. Not sure how I will feel afterwards and I am worried how long it will take before I am walking around on my own.
I am also worried that this wont take away all my hip issues. I really don't want this dragging out over the year and end up doing the PAO surgery later this year when I could have done it now. But second guessing decisions is crazy. That would also be a huge set back and really SUCK!! But being healthy and having good mobility is more important so I will do what ever I have to in order to feel better!!!
I guess I can only take it one step at a time......I will post pictures and my thoughts once I am able to0. This is a very interesting procedure and I am curious to see how it all comes out. If you recall I am having the following done: A Labral Tear Repair and a Femoral Osteoplasty. Both procedures are being done Arthoscopically.
Well its getting close to bed time so I am signing off. I hope to post something on Saturday if not sooner.
WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I have said before I am very eager to get this done and finally be pain free! However, I am getting more and more nervous as it get closer to surgery time. This is the most complicated surgery I have had done and it makes me nervous. Not sure how I will feel afterwards and I am worried how long it will take before I am walking around on my own.
I am also worried that this wont take away all my hip issues. I really don't want this dragging out over the year and end up doing the PAO surgery later this year when I could have done it now. But second guessing decisions is crazy. That would also be a huge set back and really SUCK!! But being healthy and having good mobility is more important so I will do what ever I have to in order to feel better!!!
I guess I can only take it one step at a time......I will post pictures and my thoughts once I am able to0. This is a very interesting procedure and I am curious to see how it all comes out. If you recall I am having the following done: A Labral Tear Repair and a Femoral Osteoplasty. Both procedures are being done Arthoscopically.
Well its getting close to bed time so I am signing off. I hope to post something on Saturday if not sooner.
WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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