The first one, is in the waiting room the morning of the surgery!

Next is me on trip home. Since the doctor did spinal anesthesia I was very much awake most of the way back.. I would definitely do it again instead of general anesthesia.

Finally, I have a shot of my incisions. Just a couple of hole closed up with two stitches. It is amazing what they can do. I am very anxious to get feedback from Dr. Downer on the 12th as to what he did and my prognosis.

NO in the middle is not a tattoo!! They make you put your initials next to the area the doctor will be doing surgery on. That way they wont cut into the wrong side!!! Because there is only two holes I am guessing he did not suture down my labrum. Just a guess, as he would need a third hole to get another instrument and the sutures into my hip.
Very cool huh!!!. Anyway, I will post again after my appointment on Monday the 12th. On a side note, my left hip is still bugging me but I still think it is the effect of my limping and using the cane for so long.
Wish me luck getting back to work tomorrow. I am actually a tad bit scared. I am worried about pain during my drive. What if I trip in the parking lot, trip during work or bump it??
Oh well, I guess I do what I gotta do!!! Also, cross your fingers its not a "crazy day" either. I am not sure I could handle screaming customers, screaming co-workers or anything where I need to THINK!! I just want to "slide through the week".... Is that possible? Who knows but hear is hoping..
I don't think you need to come in to work tomorrow. I understand the need to work and the necessity for money, especially now, but your health is so much more important than any truck part will ever be. Sometimes it is kind of hard when you aren't here but I think it would be harder for me if something happened and you could no longer just walk in to work.
Hi Greg,
Good to see things went well and I hope you get news next Monday.
I have an appointment to get my latest lab results next week so we can all hope for the best.
Take care,
Tokyo HCL / Portlander-at-Heart HCL
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