I wish I was a better writer....As I try to document my thoughts, feelings and PAIN. I find myself saying the same things over and over again. IT HURTS LIKE HELL AND ITS GETTING WORSE. For the last two days it has felt like someone hit me across the left hip with a baseball bat and it wont stop! The only relief is the medication. I am mixing in Ibuprofen with Vicodin and it helps.
I don't know what to do. I have a very long way to go. I feel I am at mile 20 in a marathon and my shoe broke and I am trying to tough it out for the last 6 miles. I HAVE HIT THE WALL..
My drives to work are getting harder and harder. When the day is over I don't want to get in the car. I am doing the best I can. But it sucks, sucks bad.. (Very Descriptive isn't it).
I set my pre-surgical appointment for the day before my surgery. I am going up the day before so it works out fine. I do not have to make a special trip up.
Well, half time is over and its almost bed time...CROSS YOUR FINGERS...RISE UP AND RIP CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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