I hope everyone had a great Christmas. It was great! Kids have been enjoying the extended time off due to the weather.
The snow is finally gone and things are getting back to normal! It was very treacherous driving last week.
On Tuesday it took me 3 hours to get home and tree nearly fell on me. I had to move the tree in order to get home as it blocked the road!
I feel like I am back in the Mid West!!! They are saying this was the worst snow fall ever. I believe it.
My brothers are here for visit which is very nice. Its been awhile since they have been here and the kids are enjoying spending time with them.
My pain unfortunately is getting more intense. Thank God I only have a week. This time next week I will be feeling much better, I hope. It is interesting but my left hip is really starting to bother me and not just the ache from over use. It is more like a stinging which concerns me. However, it does not hurt when I bend and rotate it so no labral tear. My back has been very sore as well. I think its because of all the snow shoveling and taking on and off of my tire chains.
I know limping with the cane has not been helpful either.
It has been very interesting to walk around with a cane in the ice and snow. I am surprised I have not fallen on my butt yet.
I got my authorization the mail from my insurance company. Just a validation to what was discussed on the phone, buts its nice to have it in your hands.
So now my stress is not only obsessing about the outcome of my surgery but how much time to take off? I don't want to waste a lot of my PTO at work but I also am very nervous to drive myself to work too soon. They really don't like me working from home and I don't want to take advantage of the freedom they have given me due my issues this year. My plan is to take Jan 2nd off (Friday) and Jan 5th (Monday). That should give me enough time to get comfortable and move around on crutches. I am going to spend the first part of next week getting everything done and work ahead. That way if for some reason I have to be out through Friday Jan 9th I am prepared.
(Probably totally over thinking this, but what else is new)
Everyone has been joking that 2008 has been THE YEAR OF GREG.... Cross your fingers that 2009 will not be a continuation.. I believe that will be the case! I could not imagine what else could go wrong with me physically. So, hears to a healthy 2009 and all my posts will be about the fun activities I doing with the boys and Theresa. We have a bunch of camping to catch up on and we are thinking about a road trip to San Francisco for spring break.
I say 2009 is THE YEAR OF FUN & UNEVENTFUL LIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hear is hoping.........
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Good To Go
Heard from my Doctor and my insurance company approved the surgery!!
Thank God. Finally things are going my way......... The date of the surgery is 1-2-09 however, so I will have to pay my deductible but it beats paying for the whole thing. Also I can watch the Ducks bowl game without interruption on the 30th.
Now I am getting nervous but it should be a no brainer and I will be pain free very very soon.
I am also very glad it is Friday. Its been a long stressful week. Spent this evening Christmas shopping which was fun. Starting to get that Christmas spirit.
Getting ready for another "Arctic Blast"!! Weather Man says tomorrow afternoon and evening will be a very messy day. We will see. They have been dead wrong all week... We have had snow but not as bad as they say.
It was dry pavement all the way into work. So dry, I broke a tire chain.. Oh well, its probably the last time I will use them in years.
Talk to you later.. Count to SURGERY DAY!!!!!!
Happy Holidays
Thank God. Finally things are going my way......... The date of the surgery is 1-2-09 however, so I will have to pay my deductible but it beats paying for the whole thing. Also I can watch the Ducks bowl game without interruption on the 30th.
Now I am getting nervous but it should be a no brainer and I will be pain free very very soon.
I am also very glad it is Friday. Its been a long stressful week. Spent this evening Christmas shopping which was fun. Starting to get that Christmas spirit.
Getting ready for another "Arctic Blast"!! Weather Man says tomorrow afternoon and evening will be a very messy day. We will see. They have been dead wrong all week... We have had snow but not as bad as they say.
It was dry pavement all the way into work. So dry, I broke a tire chain.. Oh well, its probably the last time I will use them in years.
Talk to you later.. Count to SURGERY DAY!!!!!!
Happy Holidays
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Halfway Home!!!
Just a quick follow up, I heard back from the Doctors office and it is looking like everything is a go. My surgery was moved to the Hospital instead of the surgery center.
The date is still 12-31. I will get the final word by end of the week. I am feeling very good about the odds. In order to get things moving I had to call my Insurance Company and push them. I got the customer service person to expedite the request. Surprisingly they were very helpful.
I cant wait to finally get some pain relief. In the last two days the pain has been getting worse in my LEFT hip??? Its from the over compensating and limping with that stupid cane.. I was up late last night unable to get comfortable. In fact I was in tears. It hurt like Hell. I took my vicodin before bed but its effectiveness is diminishing quickly. I took some Ibuprophen which helped a little. Today I am using a heating pad. It seems to be working a little.
Just a few more weeks and its all over.....
All is good today but.................YOU NEVER KNOW!!!!!!!!!!ITS BEEN ONE OF THOSE YEARS...
Take it easy and strap yourself in for the bad snow storm coming tomorrow!!!!
Talk to you later!!!
The date is still 12-31. I will get the final word by end of the week. I am feeling very good about the odds. In order to get things moving I had to call my Insurance Company and push them. I got the customer service person to expedite the request. Surprisingly they were very helpful.
I cant wait to finally get some pain relief. In the last two days the pain has been getting worse in my LEFT hip??? Its from the over compensating and limping with that stupid cane.. I was up late last night unable to get comfortable. In fact I was in tears. It hurt like Hell. I took my vicodin before bed but its effectiveness is diminishing quickly. I took some Ibuprophen which helped a little. Today I am using a heating pad. It seems to be working a little.
Just a few more weeks and its all over.....
All is good today but.................YOU NEVER KNOW!!!!!!!!!!ITS BEEN ONE OF THOSE YEARS...
Take it easy and strap yourself in for the bad snow storm coming tomorrow!!!!
Talk to you later!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Rough Week!
Thank god it it Friday. My customer is closing out not only the month but the year. They close down the 19th so we have a very short month get all the product they need in house to all of the there plants across the US, Canada and Mexico.
We are behind! They are getting very nervous!! Lots of phone calls, stress, stress and more stress. Usually, I handle these types of issues with no problem. Its been worse. However, I have no patients and my thick skin was peeled away months ago..
It is very hard to stay professional, keep everyone cool and work the problems. The good news is everyone at work is very understanding and helping. I am very lucky... I also have a great assistant!!!
Called my doctor today and his assistant, Trevor called me back. Never had a male PA before!! Anyway he is a very nice guy and very responsive. Unlike the Doc who FORGOT TO CALL ME TODAY...AFTER SURGERY TODAY HE LEFT EARLY!!!
I have to wait until Monday to talk to him. I have been doing some more research and it looks like a 50-50 proposition weather to have the PAO surgery and the Femural Arthoplasty/Labral tear at the same time vs just the tear repair and arthoplasty... If the repair works and buys me even 5 years it will be worth it. But if it does not even buy me 2 years, I still have pain and run the risk of another tear, I will take the PAO and hope for the best.. I want all these issues to GO AWAY... I want to get back to life as usual. So do the boys and Tre.... I have been very grumpy lately. Partly because my leg even with the Vicodin still hurts and the vicodin also makes me a bit anxious and short tempered.
I have no update on the insurance side. The pre-authorization was sent in. They said to follow up Monday. I WAS TOLD IT COULD TAKE UP TO 30 DAYS! That just wont work for me, I said. I need this to happen this year so that I don't have to shell out more money to another hospital!!!
All of this has made the Christmas Holiday very hard to take. I have no excitement about it. It took everything I had to put up the few lights I have. I am dreading getting a tree because of the effort it will take.. I am working on making myself be happy as I don't want to ruin it for everyone.
This is my favorite time of year so all this really sucks!!!
I cant wait to speak to the doctor as I need some direction on this. I also need to decide if I want pay upfront or hope my insurance will cover. I also found out I may have lost my surgery date. They put me in "limbo" until this payment issue is done..
Based on all that, it does not look good does it? I guess what happens, happens... Not much I can do about it.
The boys go on a camp out tomorrow at a boyscout snow lodge. Should be awesome. I wish I could go. We had a blast the last time. To risky however, I am scared to death I would injury myself.....
There will be other chances.
I am running out of things to say.. Vicodin taking hold again.. Good night..........................
We are behind! They are getting very nervous!! Lots of phone calls, stress, stress and more stress. Usually, I handle these types of issues with no problem. Its been worse. However, I have no patients and my thick skin was peeled away months ago..
It is very hard to stay professional, keep everyone cool and work the problems. The good news is everyone at work is very understanding and helping. I am very lucky... I also have a great assistant!!!
Called my doctor today and his assistant, Trevor called me back. Never had a male PA before!! Anyway he is a very nice guy and very responsive. Unlike the Doc who FORGOT TO CALL ME TODAY...AFTER SURGERY TODAY HE LEFT EARLY!!!
I have to wait until Monday to talk to him. I have been doing some more research and it looks like a 50-50 proposition weather to have the PAO surgery and the Femural Arthoplasty/Labral tear at the same time vs just the tear repair and arthoplasty... If the repair works and buys me even 5 years it will be worth it. But if it does not even buy me 2 years, I still have pain and run the risk of another tear, I will take the PAO and hope for the best.. I want all these issues to GO AWAY... I want to get back to life as usual. So do the boys and Tre.... I have been very grumpy lately. Partly because my leg even with the Vicodin still hurts and the vicodin also makes me a bit anxious and short tempered.
I have no update on the insurance side. The pre-authorization was sent in. They said to follow up Monday. I WAS TOLD IT COULD TAKE UP TO 30 DAYS! That just wont work for me, I said. I need this to happen this year so that I don't have to shell out more money to another hospital!!!
All of this has made the Christmas Holiday very hard to take. I have no excitement about it. It took everything I had to put up the few lights I have. I am dreading getting a tree because of the effort it will take.. I am working on making myself be happy as I don't want to ruin it for everyone.
This is my favorite time of year so all this really sucks!!!
I cant wait to speak to the doctor as I need some direction on this. I also need to decide if I want pay upfront or hope my insurance will cover. I also found out I may have lost my surgery date. They put me in "limbo" until this payment issue is done..
Based on all that, it does not look good does it? I guess what happens, happens... Not much I can do about it.
The boys go on a camp out tomorrow at a boyscout snow lodge. Should be awesome. I wish I could go. We had a blast the last time. To risky however, I am scared to death I would injury myself.....
There will be other chances.
I am running out of things to say.. Vicodin taking hold again.. Good night..........................
Monday, December 8, 2008
Not a good Day
Well there is no way to say any other way except: MY CLAIM WAS DENIED!!! They said it was and "experimental" procedure. WHAT A JOKE....
I am trying to work with my Doc to see what else can we do in order to get this done? I will do what ever it takes, even doing the procedure, Open or doing the Dysplasia correction (PAO) in order to get it all covered!
This shows how bad and messed up our Health care system is.
I will also be contacting Great West tomorrow and try to get a clear explanation as to why they call this procedure, that has been practiced for 10 years, experimental....
Enough for today, I don't know what else to say. Right now I am totally SCREWED!!!!
I am trying to work with my Doc to see what else can we do in order to get this done? I will do what ever it takes, even doing the procedure, Open or doing the Dysplasia correction (PAO) in order to get it all covered!
This shows how bad and messed up our Health care system is.
I will also be contacting Great West tomorrow and try to get a clear explanation as to why they call this procedure, that has been practiced for 10 years, experimental....
Enough for today, I don't know what else to say. Right now I am totally SCREWED!!!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Update on consultation
The trip to Seattle was great!! Dr. Downer is a fantastic person and I am very glad I found him! Thank you SHC!!
Here is the low down:
The Labral Tear is the result of a Femoral impingement. The impingement is due to a malformed Femur neck, right side. It caused rubbing which resulted in the labral tear and accounts for the pain.
Dr. Downer is going to first fix the shape of my Femur. It will take care of the rubbing and eliminate a lot of my pain. He will re sect the Labrum and if necessary anchor it. However, it may not be necessary to re-stabilize it. It depends on how much is left after he removes the damaged tissue.
The surgery is scheduled (preliminarily for 12-31). The big problem is Insurance. The procedure is considered a "experimental" procedure and not covered by my insurance company. According the scheduler at Dr. Downers office, Great West Health care has never paid on a Labral Tear repair with a Arthroscopic approach. So they require 100% down prior to the surgery. NO WAY!! I told them to submit the pre-authorization and we will see how it goes.
SO NOW MY INSURANCE IS DECIDING MY HEALTH CARE !!! I am very upset but I am holding hope it gets approved. I should know by Tuesday of next week.
Also I got a bit of a curve ball. It turns out I have much bigger issue to deal with at some point. I have Hip Dysplasia. I was born with very shallow hip sockets! As a result, if untreated I will begin to prematurely wear down my hips. This will cause arthritis to take hold in both hips, resulting in hip replacements. I will post links to further explain this disorder. I have not read up on it as I did not expect this to come up.
My first Ortho doc said my hips looked great and did not see any issues what so every except my tear. He and no clue how it tore either. Not the brightest knife in the drawer. Thank God I got a better Doctor!!!!
There is no way of knowing if and when I will need to have this corrective surgery. It is an option to do both surgeries right away if I want to. However, Dr. is 80% sure the Impingement correction and labral repair will eliminate my pain. Then we just wait and see how I feel later next year.
Not sure how I should feel. Its great I have a really good doctor who can fix me. But I am frustrated that I seem to be uncovering other problems that wont go away RIGHT NOW!!
I am also very scared of the thought of my pain not going away because I cant afford the surgery!! My insurance has not let me down this year and I am praying I get lucky once again! Not sure how I can live without this surgery. I am sick and tired of taking Vicodin and living a fog all the time. The pain is getting more and more intense and harder to deal with every day. It sucks!!!
So That's the whole story. I am still in Limbo but I do see a glimmer of light at the end of this very dark and very long tunnel!!!
Stay Tuned!!!
Here is the low down:
The Labral Tear is the result of a Femoral impingement. The impingement is due to a malformed Femur neck, right side. It caused rubbing which resulted in the labral tear and accounts for the pain.
Dr. Downer is going to first fix the shape of my Femur. It will take care of the rubbing and eliminate a lot of my pain. He will re sect the Labrum and if necessary anchor it. However, it may not be necessary to re-stabilize it. It depends on how much is left after he removes the damaged tissue.
The surgery is scheduled (preliminarily for 12-31). The big problem is Insurance. The procedure is considered a "experimental" procedure and not covered by my insurance company. According the scheduler at Dr. Downers office, Great West Health care has never paid on a Labral Tear repair with a Arthroscopic approach. So they require 100% down prior to the surgery. NO WAY!! I told them to submit the pre-authorization and we will see how it goes.
SO NOW MY INSURANCE IS DECIDING MY HEALTH CARE !!! I am very upset but I am holding hope it gets approved. I should know by Tuesday of next week.
Also I got a bit of a curve ball. It turns out I have much bigger issue to deal with at some point. I have Hip Dysplasia. I was born with very shallow hip sockets! As a result, if untreated I will begin to prematurely wear down my hips. This will cause arthritis to take hold in both hips, resulting in hip replacements. I will post links to further explain this disorder. I have not read up on it as I did not expect this to come up.
My first Ortho doc said my hips looked great and did not see any issues what so every except my tear. He and no clue how it tore either. Not the brightest knife in the drawer. Thank God I got a better Doctor!!!!
There is no way of knowing if and when I will need to have this corrective surgery. It is an option to do both surgeries right away if I want to. However, Dr. is 80% sure the Impingement correction and labral repair will eliminate my pain. Then we just wait and see how I feel later next year.
Not sure how I should feel. Its great I have a really good doctor who can fix me. But I am frustrated that I seem to be uncovering other problems that wont go away RIGHT NOW!!
I am also very scared of the thought of my pain not going away because I cant afford the surgery!! My insurance has not let me down this year and I am praying I get lucky once again! Not sure how I can live without this surgery. I am sick and tired of taking Vicodin and living a fog all the time. The pain is getting more and more intense and harder to deal with every day. It sucks!!!
So That's the whole story. I am still in Limbo but I do see a glimmer of light at the end of this very dark and very long tunnel!!!
Stay Tuned!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Consultation Day Tomorrow
The day has finally come!! Tomorrow Theresa and I get to drive 3 hours to Seattle to meet with my new Hip Surgeon.
Keep your fingers crossed I get my surgery before year end. I doubt it but it would be nice since I have already met my deductable for the year!!!!
Keep your fingers crossed I get my surgery before year end. I doubt it but it would be nice since I have already met my deductable for the year!!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Day after Thanksgiving
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We did. Theresa invited her sisters family over and we had dinner at our house.
It was nice to not go anywhere. The dinner was fantastic! She had an idea to cook the turkey on my new Bar-b-que. I was very very nervous about it but it worked out great. It was by far the best turkey I have had in a very long time.
The stuffing she made was awesome also. After dinner we played cards and a little Guitar Hero. It was fun.
I even had a glass of Pinot.
Today, we didn't do a whole lot. My leg was on fire today for some reason. It felt like a pinched nerve? So, I laid on the couch most of the day and the Vicodin seemed to help some. Its not working as well as it used to but it does take the edge off.
At 3:30 I took the boys to go see the new Bond movie! Bond Rocks!! Go and see it!!!
It was a great idea by Theresa. I am glad we did. I have not done a whole lot with them lately so its nice to spend time with them.
Aaron said something when we were getting snacks which shows just how thoughtful he is. I asked him if he wanted to share a soda and said "Dad I think I am getting a cold. With your weak immune system I am afraid I would make you really sick, so I don't think that would be a good idea"..
Sweetiest kid on the planet!! I am blessed to have two of the most special boys in the world. Not sure what I did to deserve it but I am not going to question it, just count my blessings every day..
For the rest of the night I think I am just going to watch the rest of the college football games for night and maybe play a little PS3. I have not played a game in quite awhile. There is one new game I have not even touched.
I want to try to get some Christmas lights up this weekend if possible, but we will have to see. It all depends on how I feel.
I also need to get some Christmas shopping done very soon.
Very, very nervous about the Civil War game tomorrow. I hope the Ducks don't throw away a pretty good season by chocking!! I would hate to see the Beavers go to the Rose Bowl.
All is well so far.... Its getting very close to my consultation. I am both excited and scared. Not sure what he is going to say or do. I just want to get this over with and get on with my life..It is effecting everyone in the family and its not fair. I guess this is a look into the lives of those with mobility issues. When you have to make yourself get out of bed, get out the house and constantly worry about if your movements are going hurt a lot, it is difficult to enjoy life....
I am certainly not anyone who is able to live with chronic pain or a disability. I have a new found respect for those that do and keep it invisible. I CANT and I wish I could.....
Well vicodin affecting me so I guess its time to stop typing!!! Have a good night.
It was nice to not go anywhere. The dinner was fantastic! She had an idea to cook the turkey on my new Bar-b-que. I was very very nervous about it but it worked out great. It was by far the best turkey I have had in a very long time.
The stuffing she made was awesome also. After dinner we played cards and a little Guitar Hero. It was fun.
I even had a glass of Pinot.
Today, we didn't do a whole lot. My leg was on fire today for some reason. It felt like a pinched nerve? So, I laid on the couch most of the day and the Vicodin seemed to help some. Its not working as well as it used to but it does take the edge off.
At 3:30 I took the boys to go see the new Bond movie! Bond Rocks!! Go and see it!!!
It was a great idea by Theresa. I am glad we did. I have not done a whole lot with them lately so its nice to spend time with them.
Aaron said something when we were getting snacks which shows just how thoughtful he is. I asked him if he wanted to share a soda and said "Dad I think I am getting a cold. With your weak immune system I am afraid I would make you really sick, so I don't think that would be a good idea"..
Sweetiest kid on the planet!! I am blessed to have two of the most special boys in the world. Not sure what I did to deserve it but I am not going to question it, just count my blessings every day..
For the rest of the night I think I am just going to watch the rest of the college football games for night and maybe play a little PS3. I have not played a game in quite awhile. There is one new game I have not even touched.
I want to try to get some Christmas lights up this weekend if possible, but we will have to see. It all depends on how I feel.
I also need to get some Christmas shopping done very soon.
Very, very nervous about the Civil War game tomorrow. I hope the Ducks don't throw away a pretty good season by chocking!! I would hate to see the Beavers go to the Rose Bowl.
All is well so far.... Its getting very close to my consultation. I am both excited and scared. Not sure what he is going to say or do. I just want to get this over with and get on with my life..It is effecting everyone in the family and its not fair. I guess this is a look into the lives of those with mobility issues. When you have to make yourself get out of bed, get out the house and constantly worry about if your movements are going hurt a lot, it is difficult to enjoy life....
I am certainly not anyone who is able to live with chronic pain or a disability. I have a new found respect for those that do and keep it invisible. I CANT and I wish I could.....
Well vicodin affecting me so I guess its time to stop typing!!! Have a good night.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Getting ready for Thanksgiving
Spent Saturday cleaning the house. I did as much as I could.Mom and Dad came over and took us to lunch. I Was exhausted by 2:30pm.
However, went with Theresa to Eddie Bauer to get some new shirts. I need some more decent work shirts. The mall was a joke. Very busy. I think I was cut off like eight times. People could care less if you can walk or not. Its all about hurry up!!!
Went to bed about 9:30 last night!!PARTY ANIMAL...
Today, we skipped church and went to Winco. That place was packed. Got most of the stuff we needed but it takes a lot out of me to do all that shopping. Got home at about 3:00, took my pain medication and crashed until about 5:00pm. I had to take Cam to a youth group party. I need to pick him up in about an hour. Then BED TIME!! I swear, the more I sleep the more tired I get.
However, I am looking forward to Thanksgiving it is always fun. I am looking forward to a short week this week and a long weekend. Got invited to a wine party at the neighbors. That will be fun. I don't get out and socialize very much so I am looking forward to it. I am hoping my leg does not hurt and I can have some wine. Don't think I will be very social on Vicodin.
I have less than two weeks to go before my appointment in Seattle. I am excited and nervous.
Not sure what to expect and I am not looking forward to him me my surgery wont be scheduled until after the new year. I have a feeling that is coming. I seriously doubt they can get in before Christmas, which totally sucks. It means I can not turn the page on this nightmare at Midnight on 1-1-09!! Also, it means more bills in 2009.
It just seems like this stuff will never go away. Yet, it has to end sometime.
Here's hoping sooner rather then later!!!!
However, went with Theresa to Eddie Bauer to get some new shirts. I need some more decent work shirts. The mall was a joke. Very busy. I think I was cut off like eight times. People could care less if you can walk or not. Its all about hurry up!!!
Went to bed about 9:30 last night!!PARTY ANIMAL...
Today, we skipped church and went to Winco. That place was packed. Got most of the stuff we needed but it takes a lot out of me to do all that shopping. Got home at about 3:00, took my pain medication and crashed until about 5:00pm. I had to take Cam to a youth group party. I need to pick him up in about an hour. Then BED TIME!! I swear, the more I sleep the more tired I get.
However, I am looking forward to Thanksgiving it is always fun. I am looking forward to a short week this week and a long weekend. Got invited to a wine party at the neighbors. That will be fun. I don't get out and socialize very much so I am looking forward to it. I am hoping my leg does not hurt and I can have some wine. Don't think I will be very social on Vicodin.
I have less than two weeks to go before my appointment in Seattle. I am excited and nervous.
Not sure what to expect and I am not looking forward to him me my surgery wont be scheduled until after the new year. I have a feeling that is coming. I seriously doubt they can get in before Christmas, which totally sucks. It means I can not turn the page on this nightmare at Midnight on 1-1-09!! Also, it means more bills in 2009.
It just seems like this stuff will never go away. Yet, it has to end sometime.
Here's hoping sooner rather then later!!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Got a Better Consultation
Great news!! I got an appointment in Seattle for 12-4. The doctor is Phillip Downer. He has a good reputation and is familiar with Labral Tears.
Very very happy and cant wait. The appointment is at 9:30 am so I have to get up really early and drive up but I don't care. This is hopefully the beginning of the end.
Considering today was a bad Monday its nice to have something go right.
Talk to you later.
Very very happy and cant wait. The appointment is at 9:30 am so I have to get up really early and drive up but I don't care. This is hopefully the beginning of the end.
Considering today was a bad Monday its nice to have something go right.
Talk to you later.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Finally Got A Consultation!!
I am jumping up and down......Well not really.............since I cant (Ha Ha Ha)
I finally got a consultation At UCSF!! Unfortunately, its not until 12-29. Yes you heard me right 12-29!!!! I have to wait a F*&^%^ MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!
What ever, I just don't understand. You go to a highly trained Specialist because you have a serious problem that usually needs immediate attention. Yet they are the ones who are "too busy" to see you right away. THAT MAKES NO SENSE TO ME WHAT SO EVER...
It is a complete joke. I guess I am experiencing our wonderful Health care system. I find it kind of STUPID that I could have a diagnosis in my hand, I know what the treatment is and all I need is a Surgeon to fix it. Oh yea, I cant find one. No one knows of one either, so I have to look for one myself and when I finally get one he is too busy to see me right away.
Can you believe they actually had me scheduled for February 2009 until I told them NO THAT WONT WORK FOR ME, I CANT WALK!!! Like I could sit on this for all most 4 months. Oh wait, I ALREADY HAVE. WHY NOT MAKE IT AN EVEN 8 MONTHS!! Which is not unrealistic considering my track record.
There has to be some check and balance to either push Doctors to expedite where needed or a resource to find alternatives for patients. One that can accessed by any Doctor or patient.
You would think with all of our technology this would be easy for Doctors or Hospitals or even Insurance Companies.
What if I was in my late 80S alone? I have limited my mobility and I am taking a lot of heavy medication. I bet I would not be able to get help.
If I did not have the support I have I would not be able to get things done every day and would not be able to get around on the weekends.
How many people with issues like this just give up and compromise quality of life all because they cant find the help they need.
It is frustrating and pisses me off.
ON the lighter side of life: The Ducks won!! The Blazers won!!! What a great Saturday.....
Talk to you later..
I finally got a consultation At UCSF!! Unfortunately, its not until 12-29. Yes you heard me right 12-29!!!! I have to wait a F*&^%^ MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!
What ever, I just don't understand. You go to a highly trained Specialist because you have a serious problem that usually needs immediate attention. Yet they are the ones who are "too busy" to see you right away. THAT MAKES NO SENSE TO ME WHAT SO EVER...
It is a complete joke. I guess I am experiencing our wonderful Health care system. I find it kind of STUPID that I could have a diagnosis in my hand, I know what the treatment is and all I need is a Surgeon to fix it. Oh yea, I cant find one. No one knows of one either, so I have to look for one myself and when I finally get one he is too busy to see me right away.
Can you believe they actually had me scheduled for February 2009 until I told them NO THAT WONT WORK FOR ME, I CANT WALK!!! Like I could sit on this for all most 4 months. Oh wait, I ALREADY HAVE. WHY NOT MAKE IT AN EVEN 8 MONTHS!! Which is not unrealistic considering my track record.
There has to be some check and balance to either push Doctors to expedite where needed or a resource to find alternatives for patients. One that can accessed by any Doctor or patient.
You would think with all of our technology this would be easy for Doctors or Hospitals or even Insurance Companies.
What if I was in my late 80S alone? I have limited my mobility and I am taking a lot of heavy medication. I bet I would not be able to get help.
If I did not have the support I have I would not be able to get things done every day and would not be able to get around on the weekends.
How many people with issues like this just give up and compromise quality of life all because they cant find the help they need.
It is frustrating and pisses me off.
ON the lighter side of life: The Ducks won!! The Blazers won!!! What a great Saturday.....
Talk to you later..
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thank God its Hump Day
No news is not good news!! I still have not heard from the doctor at UCSF!! This totally sucks! I am not sure what to do.
I will make a follow up call tomorrow, Thursday. I am starting to get that fatigue feeling. I think I mentioned that last time?? I am also having memory issues. I think its the pain meds.
I totally embarrassed myself last night talking with some people at Scouts. I flat out could not remember some of the simplest things and carry on a decent conversation. My mind just kept going blank! It is not a good feeling to struggle just to communicate.
Thank goodness I know everyone so well and they wont hold it against me. But I have to get this whole thing moving as I am sick of taking Vicodin all the time. I am almost out of my first re-fill. I might as well put them in a "Pez Dispenser".
I am also thinking about moving up my appointment with my Hematologist. I am starting to drop weight, 10 pounds in the last few weeks, and I am tired all the time. I am sure its the leg pain and medication but who knows.
Anyway, got to go.
I will make a follow up call tomorrow, Thursday. I am starting to get that fatigue feeling. I think I mentioned that last time?? I am also having memory issues. I think its the pain meds.
I totally embarrassed myself last night talking with some people at Scouts. I flat out could not remember some of the simplest things and carry on a decent conversation. My mind just kept going blank! It is not a good feeling to struggle just to communicate.
Thank goodness I know everyone so well and they wont hold it against me. But I have to get this whole thing moving as I am sick of taking Vicodin all the time. I am almost out of my first re-fill. I might as well put them in a "Pez Dispenser".
I am also thinking about moving up my appointment with my Hematologist. I am starting to drop weight, 10 pounds in the last few weeks, and I am tired all the time. I am sure its the leg pain and medication but who knows.
Anyway, got to go.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Trip this Week
I made it through my trip to Ohio!! It was 8 hours on a plane Wednesday, 8 hours of walking through 3 manufacturing facilities and another 6 hours on a full airplane but I made it.
I definitely was grateful to have my cane and my pain medication. Going through the security check was easier with my cane. I got to skip to the front of the line. I dropped my coat and my bag a couple of times and people were very helpful. I guess it pays to be a cripple.. ( or temporary cripple)
From some reason I was very nervous about this trip and I am glad it is over. It went very well, however. I guess because I am using a cane I was very self conscious about it . No one made a big deal about it and they seemed concerned.
One of my contacts emailed yesterday to make sure I got home OK. She said that she was very worried about me and hoped I would be getting better soon. As much as they challenge me and my company, I do work with some of the nicest people around! It really made me feel good.
I am looking forward to this weekend. It has been a rough week.
Go Ducks and Go Magic. Aaron has only a couple of soccer games left. He is an awesome goaly.
Got to go!!
I definitely was grateful to have my cane and my pain medication. Going through the security check was easier with my cane. I got to skip to the front of the line. I dropped my coat and my bag a couple of times and people were very helpful. I guess it pays to be a cripple.. ( or temporary cripple)
From some reason I was very nervous about this trip and I am glad it is over. It went very well, however. I guess because I am using a cane I was very self conscious about it . No one made a big deal about it and they seemed concerned.
One of my contacts emailed yesterday to make sure I got home OK. She said that she was very worried about me and hoped I would be getting better soon. As much as they challenge me and my company, I do work with some of the nicest people around! It really made me feel good.
I am looking forward to this weekend. It has been a rough week.
Go Ducks and Go Magic. Aaron has only a couple of soccer games left. He is an awesome goaly.
Got to go!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Follow up on my Quest for Hip Pain Relief
I met with my General Doctor on Thursday and got more pain medication and Cane. The boys think I look like Doctor House. They think the cane is cool! Cam took a picture, see below! It is helping me stop limping and hopefully clear up the left hip pain I am now experiencing due my limp.

He also sent, at my request, a referral to a Hip Specialist at UCSF. They have a great Orthopedic Group and my brother knows a Doctor there who is getting me connected.
I am also looking at alternatives in Washington.
Friday, I met with my current Ortho Doc and he was zero help. He knows no one who can perform a Hip Labrel tear repair and was not able to offer me any shots of medication to temporarily relieve my hip pain. He said the hip socket is too deep to inject pain meds into it and have it be effective. He also looked at my MRI again was very concerned about the bone around my socket. He said it did not look good and my need to be "shaved off"?? Not sure how to take that as he did not explain himself very well. So I am even more freaked out after that little side comment.
He said, Good luck and be aggressive but there is nothing I can do for you!! As you recall, his referral at OHSU is out on Medical leave and they canceled my appointment with no one else to see.
So, it is now up to me to find a doctor to fix my hip. I will let you know how this UCSF referral goes. I have a free place to stay and the flight will be cheap so its the best option if it works out.
One interesting side note, both my General Doctor and my Ortho Doc are not ruling out my Chemo as contributing to the laberal tear. They feel there is a chance the 2cda weakened the Labrum and that made is easier become damaged.
I am taking those comments with a grain of salt but its interesting. As I have said before it makes me think twice as this issue comes up only a few months after my treatment and I can not find any reason for the tear. I don't remember every injuring myself.
Anyway, I am now in limbo working hard to get this resolved but I think its going to take some time.
I am taking a lot of pain meds but its all I can do in order to get through the day. Keep your fingers crossed.
Off to Aarons Soccer Game! Go Ducks. They play Cal today and have to win to stay number 2 in the Pac Ten!
Happy late Birthday to my brothers! I hope everyone had a great Halloween!
Talk to you later!!
I met with my General Doctor on Thursday and got more pain medication and Cane. The boys think I look like Doctor House. They think the cane is cool! Cam took a picture, see below! It is helping me stop limping and hopefully clear up the left hip pain I am now experiencing due my limp.

He also sent, at my request, a referral to a Hip Specialist at UCSF. They have a great Orthopedic Group and my brother knows a Doctor there who is getting me connected.
I am also looking at alternatives in Washington.
Friday, I met with my current Ortho Doc and he was zero help. He knows no one who can perform a Hip Labrel tear repair and was not able to offer me any shots of medication to temporarily relieve my hip pain. He said the hip socket is too deep to inject pain meds into it and have it be effective. He also looked at my MRI again was very concerned about the bone around my socket. He said it did not look good and my need to be "shaved off"?? Not sure how to take that as he did not explain himself very well. So I am even more freaked out after that little side comment.
He said, Good luck and be aggressive but there is nothing I can do for you!! As you recall, his referral at OHSU is out on Medical leave and they canceled my appointment with no one else to see.
So, it is now up to me to find a doctor to fix my hip. I will let you know how this UCSF referral goes. I have a free place to stay and the flight will be cheap so its the best option if it works out.
One interesting side note, both my General Doctor and my Ortho Doc are not ruling out my Chemo as contributing to the laberal tear. They feel there is a chance the 2cda weakened the Labrum and that made is easier become damaged.
I am taking those comments with a grain of salt but its interesting. As I have said before it makes me think twice as this issue comes up only a few months after my treatment and I can not find any reason for the tear. I don't remember every injuring myself.
Anyway, I am now in limbo working hard to get this resolved but I think its going to take some time.
I am taking a lot of pain meds but its all I can do in order to get through the day. Keep your fingers crossed.
Off to Aarons Soccer Game! Go Ducks. They play Cal today and have to win to stay number 2 in the Pac Ten!
Happy late Birthday to my brothers! I hope everyone had a great Halloween!
Talk to you later!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I called today to verify my appointment on Thursday at OHSU and guess what?? The Doctor I was going to see had to go on Medical Leave yesterday and my appointment needs to be CANCELED!!
As of this morning they have no idea who I should go see, they have no idea when she will be back and they have no idea when I will be pain free.
I am totally freaking out! I am trying to stay rational but I am running out of pain medication and I have a business trip next week and no treatment plan. I don't even know if its a good idea for me travel.
I am praying my doctors will get back to me tomorrow with a Plan B. I may have to go out of state to get this stupid surgery.
I realized today that I have, with out a doubt, the worst luck in history!!!
To top it off ,I started having bloody noses. I suspect the Celabrex is causing it. So I stopped taking it today.
Well, don't know what else to say except I am having a nightmare of a year and I am no where near the end of it. I am just waiting to see what other major obstacle is around the corner.
Thank God for all support at home. Without it I don't what I would do.
I guess all I can do now is just cross my fingers and pray........
As of this morning they have no idea who I should go see, they have no idea when she will be back and they have no idea when I will be pain free.
I am totally freaking out! I am trying to stay rational but I am running out of pain medication and I have a business trip next week and no treatment plan. I don't even know if its a good idea for me travel.
I am praying my doctors will get back to me tomorrow with a Plan B. I may have to go out of state to get this stupid surgery.
I realized today that I have, with out a doubt, the worst luck in history!!!
To top it off ,I started having bloody noses. I suspect the Celabrex is causing it. So I stopped taking it today.
Well, don't know what else to say except I am having a nightmare of a year and I am no where near the end of it. I am just waiting to see what other major obstacle is around the corner.
Thank God for all support at home. Without it I don't what I would do.
I guess all I can do now is just cross my fingers and pray........
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Just another Weekend
Happy Sunday all!!
I finally painted my back door and did some touch up work outside... Even on Vicodin I can still paint inside the lines!!
We finally got an answer to our Ground Squirrel problem. Thanks to Pete's Pest Control!! Sealed up all the holes and set traps. Hopefully no more scratching over the winter.
Aarons soccer team won 6-1 on Saturday!! He had an awesome diving save. He is getting to be a very good goaly.
I tried some new pain medication this afternoon Darvocet. I guess it is not suppose to knock you out like Vicodin does. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! It totally wiped me out!! So much for having something I can take and drive to work with little pain and take after work to drive home with little pain.
My luck has sucked so far this year so why should it be any different now. I am just going to have to suck it up for two more weeks or longer!! My business trip is going to be a joke and not a lot of fun. We will see what my doctor says but I am hoping I can cancel it.
At this point I cant image 6 hours on the plane, 2 hours in a car and sleeping in a hotel. Then walking all day and flying all night home. What ever...........
I am getting loopy again and the ability to make good sentences is rapidly going away. So, I will sign off for today.
I have said it before but my life is like the movie "Ground Hogs Day" , same thing every day. I pray 2009 finally brings something good for me and my family. Maybe I don't deserve it but I know Theresa absolutely deserves a very long string of good luck and low stress. I am crossing everything I have to make sure it happens!
Good Nite!!!
I finally painted my back door and did some touch up work outside... Even on Vicodin I can still paint inside the lines!!
We finally got an answer to our Ground Squirrel problem. Thanks to Pete's Pest Control!! Sealed up all the holes and set traps. Hopefully no more scratching over the winter.
Aarons soccer team won 6-1 on Saturday!! He had an awesome diving save. He is getting to be a very good goaly.
I tried some new pain medication this afternoon Darvocet. I guess it is not suppose to knock you out like Vicodin does. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! It totally wiped me out!! So much for having something I can take and drive to work with little pain and take after work to drive home with little pain.
My luck has sucked so far this year so why should it be any different now. I am just going to have to suck it up for two more weeks or longer!! My business trip is going to be a joke and not a lot of fun. We will see what my doctor says but I am hoping I can cancel it.
At this point I cant image 6 hours on the plane, 2 hours in a car and sleeping in a hotel. Then walking all day and flying all night home. What ever...........
I am getting loopy again and the ability to make good sentences is rapidly going away. So, I will sign off for today.
I have said it before but my life is like the movie "Ground Hogs Day" , same thing every day. I pray 2009 finally brings something good for me and my family. Maybe I don't deserve it but I know Theresa absolutely deserves a very long string of good luck and low stress. I am crossing everything I have to make sure it happens!
Good Nite!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Consultation Set
Good News! I finally got an appointment for Oct 30th at OHSU. I am upset it is not sooner but considering the Surgeon is the best and the only in town who can do this, I am dealing with it.
My doctor gave me Celebrex to try. If it works I am hoping to take less Vicodin, which will make me feel more comfortable. However, no one is concerned about me getting dependent on them. Its just my OCD kicking in.
The pain seems to be getting more intense unfortunately. I will be very grateful when this is over. If everything works out I hope I will be done with Surgery before Thanksgiving.
I have a business trip November 5 and 6. I am not looking forward to 6 hours on a plane. I will find a way to manage. I cant afford to miss this trip or any work since I have no more sick days or vacation. Work actually gave me 2 extra weeks after Chemo which I am very thankful for. I do not want them to think I am tying to get more time off.
God knows I need to keep this job right now....
Anyway, I do feel better that things are at least moving in a direction. Just 2 weeks ago I no idea what was going on and my over active imagination was coming up with all kinds of scenarios.
I just need to mange the next few weeks and I think it will get better real quick.
The best Christmas present is to have NO aches, pains or bad test results!!
My doctor gave me Celebrex to try. If it works I am hoping to take less Vicodin, which will make me feel more comfortable. However, no one is concerned about me getting dependent on them. Its just my OCD kicking in.
The pain seems to be getting more intense unfortunately. I will be very grateful when this is over. If everything works out I hope I will be done with Surgery before Thanksgiving.
I have a business trip November 5 and 6. I am not looking forward to 6 hours on a plane. I will find a way to manage. I cant afford to miss this trip or any work since I have no more sick days or vacation. Work actually gave me 2 extra weeks after Chemo which I am very thankful for. I do not want them to think I am tying to get more time off.
God knows I need to keep this job right now....
Anyway, I do feel better that things are at least moving in a direction. Just 2 weeks ago I no idea what was going on and my over active imagination was coming up with all kinds of scenarios.
I just need to mange the next few weeks and I think it will get better real quick.
The best Christmas present is to have NO aches, pains or bad test results!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
MRA- Results!!
With a lot of pushing I finally got my results!! It turns out I have a torn labrum!! This totally sucks but at least I am not going nuts!!!
I am working on a consultation at OHSU. It turns out only ONE Orthopedic Surgeon in Portland can do this procedure. Hopefully I can get in quickly and get this behind me.
I added a Link for explanation of the procedure and success rate (on the right column)
A torn labrum is most commonly found in very active people, Athletes. It does occur in people with degenerative diseases such as Osteoarthritis, which I have. However, it is very rare.
The most common treatment is physical therapy and anti-inflammatories. In my case it looks like the only solution is Surgery as it was a fairly bad tear. It hurts so much because I am just rubbing bone on bone.
Not sure how a guy like me could get so gosh darn lucky!! So stay tuned. Once I get my consult I will post the next steps. I am hoping its an easy Arthroscopic procedure with no hospital time!
My life is turning out to be a laugh a minute. To bad I don't get air line miles or bonus points for hospital time, exotic disorders and tests!! I would be half way around the world!!!
By the way, until 3 weeks ago I didn't even know I had a Labrum let a lone that you could tear it by doing absolutely nothing!!
It can only get only get better....Right?? I think that's what I said after my Chemo.....
I am working on a consultation at OHSU. It turns out only ONE Orthopedic Surgeon in Portland can do this procedure. Hopefully I can get in quickly and get this behind me.
I added a Link for explanation of the procedure and success rate (on the right column)
A torn labrum is most commonly found in very active people, Athletes. It does occur in people with degenerative diseases such as Osteoarthritis, which I have. However, it is very rare.
The most common treatment is physical therapy and anti-inflammatories. In my case it looks like the only solution is Surgery as it was a fairly bad tear. It hurts so much because I am just rubbing bone on bone.
Not sure how a guy like me could get so gosh darn lucky!! So stay tuned. Once I get my consult I will post the next steps. I am hoping its an easy Arthroscopic procedure with no hospital time!
My life is turning out to be a laugh a minute. To bad I don't get air line miles or bonus points for hospital time, exotic disorders and tests!! I would be half way around the world!!!
By the way, until 3 weeks ago I didn't even know I had a Labrum let a lone that you could tear it by doing absolutely nothing!!
It can only get only get better....Right?? I think that's what I said after my Chemo.....
Monday, October 6, 2008
Test Day
I had my MRA today. It did not hurt as much as I thought but it was not a very fun. Nothing like having a needle inserted into your hip joint!! He had to do it three times in order to get in the proper position. Can you say Ouch!! I spent about 45 minutes in the machine but I hope it pays off.
I really dont expect to find anything but who knows. Cross your fingers, I hope to get a call with my results tomorrow.
Despite all this, leg still hurts and I am very sick and tired of it. I am tired of taking Vicodin everyday. It is starting to worry me but I cant sleep with out it.
I will keep you in the loop. I will also send a link detailing the procedure I went through today. It was interesting.
Take it easy
I really dont expect to find anything but who knows. Cross your fingers, I hope to get a call with my results tomorrow.
Despite all this, leg still hurts and I am very sick and tired of it. I am tired of taking Vicodin everyday. It is starting to worry me but I cant sleep with out it.
I will keep you in the loop. I will also send a link detailing the procedure I went through today. It was interesting.
Take it easy
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Another Saturday
No change this week. It still hurts like hell and seems to be getting worse. I about lost it at work and left early yesterday. I am worried they will hold it against me for leaving early so I am going in early Monday and Tuesday of next week.
I am struggling trying to understand and cope with what is going on. I am frustrated and don't know what to do. I can not live on Ibuprofen and Vicodin. I need some sort of diagnosis so I can fix it.
Aaron has a soccer game in Hood River today. Not sure if I can make the trip which makes it very rough on Theresa.
I know she is getting frustrated, having to take care of me again. This year is a complete nightmare and I hope I wake up from it soon.
My Doctor never called me back to schedule my MRA and I am very pissed. It has never taken this long for me to get anything scheduled. I even told them that my pain is getting worse and please hurry. I got zero response!!!
I have been very fortunate so far to have great doctors, until now. I guess he is not worried since all my tests come back negative. He probably thinks I am nuts. He might be right!!!!!
Well, I am going to limp through another weekend and hope for the best next week.
Take it easy.........
No change this week. It still hurts like hell and seems to be getting worse. I about lost it at work and left early yesterday. I am worried they will hold it against me for leaving early so I am going in early Monday and Tuesday of next week.
I am struggling trying to understand and cope with what is going on. I am frustrated and don't know what to do. I can not live on Ibuprofen and Vicodin. I need some sort of diagnosis so I can fix it.
Aaron has a soccer game in Hood River today. Not sure if I can make the trip which makes it very rough on Theresa.
I know she is getting frustrated, having to take care of me again. This year is a complete nightmare and I hope I wake up from it soon.
My Doctor never called me back to schedule my MRA and I am very pissed. It has never taken this long for me to get anything scheduled. I even told them that my pain is getting worse and please hurry. I got zero response!!!
I have been very fortunate so far to have great doctors, until now. I guess he is not worried since all my tests come back negative. He probably thinks I am nuts. He might be right!!!!!
Well, I am going to limp through another weekend and hope for the best next week.
Take it easy.........
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lost Weekend
Weekend is slipping away very quickly. I have spent it on my back full of Vicodin. My hip/leg, whatever has gotten worse!
I have resorted to taking vicodin to make it at least tolerable. It has also helped me sleep. I am very concerned about it but until my MRA I dont know what else to do.
I am not giving up until I understand exactly whats going on and why.
Stay tuned!!
I have resorted to taking vicodin to make it at least tolerable. It has also helped me sleep. I am very concerned about it but until my MRA I dont know what else to do.
I am not giving up until I understand exactly whats going on and why.
Stay tuned!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Yet another Test
Sounds like Grounds Hogs day the movie!!
first, my second MRI came back negative? Yet my leg is killing me. It is a dull ache all the time and still huts when I move it.
I went to an Orthopedic Doctor yesterday. He moved my leg around and reviewed all my tests and flat out could not find any reason why it hurts. The only thing he could think of was to do an MRA to see if my Labrum was torn.
The Labrum is the soft tissue in my hip joint. If it is torn it causes severe hip pain and is the most difficult to diagnose. The only way to see it is in an MRA or during an arthroscopic procedure.
MRA-magnetic resonance angiogram
They will inject die into my hip joint and use the MRI machine to take a picture of my Labrum.

I will be having the test hopefully next week. If it comes back negative, I am really not sure what to do.
I don't think this is the problem as I have no idea how I would have injured myself this way. I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I am taking Aleve for pain and does not seem to be working but I will keep taking it and hope I get some relief soon.
This feels just like before I was diagnosed with HCL. A lot of test, questions and uncertainty.
I cant believe I am having all these issues this year. I think the HCL was more than enough!
All I can do is keep going and eventually it will work itself out, some how!
first, my second MRI came back negative? Yet my leg is killing me. It is a dull ache all the time and still huts when I move it.
I went to an Orthopedic Doctor yesterday. He moved my leg around and reviewed all my tests and flat out could not find any reason why it hurts. The only thing he could think of was to do an MRA to see if my Labrum was torn.
The Labrum is the soft tissue in my hip joint. If it is torn it causes severe hip pain and is the most difficult to diagnose. The only way to see it is in an MRA or during an arthroscopic procedure.
MRA-magnetic resonance angiogram
They will inject die into my hip joint and use the MRI machine to take a picture of my Labrum.
I will be having the test hopefully next week. If it comes back negative, I am really not sure what to do.
I don't think this is the problem as I have no idea how I would have injured myself this way. I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I am taking Aleve for pain and does not seem to be working but I will keep taking it and hope I get some relief soon.
This feels just like before I was diagnosed with HCL. A lot of test, questions and uncertainty.
I cant believe I am having all these issues this year. I think the HCL was more than enough!
All I can do is keep going and eventually it will work itself out, some how!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Another Test!
Just thought I would give everyone a quick update. I am having yet another MRI on Tuesday. My right leg is still very painful and driving me crazy.
I went to my doctor on Thursday and we tried to get an MRI on hip that day. My x-rays came back negative. Doctor has only possible causes but nothing definite. He also referred me to a good Ortho surgeon, who I will go to no matter what the MRI shows.
Taking anti-inflammatory, ibuprofen but it does not seen to help. I just end up with a dull ache all day and when I move my leg a certain way I go right through the roof.
Anyway, all I can do now is wait until my MRI and go from there.
Its been a very interesting year. I have spent so much time at the doctors office that everyone knows me on site. It is laughable.
First Soccer game today!! Should be fun.
GO DUCKS!!!!!!!!!
I went to my doctor on Thursday and we tried to get an MRI on hip that day. My x-rays came back negative. Doctor has only possible causes but nothing definite. He also referred me to a good Ortho surgeon, who I will go to no matter what the MRI shows.
Taking anti-inflammatory, ibuprofen but it does not seen to help. I just end up with a dull ache all day and when I move my leg a certain way I go right through the roof.
Anyway, all I can do now is wait until my MRI and go from there.
Its been a very interesting year. I have spent so much time at the doctors office that everyone knows me on site. It is laughable.
First Soccer game today!! Should be fun.
GO DUCKS!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Regular Doctor Visit
I went and had my 3 month check with my Hematologist on Thursday.

My doctor is fairly happy with my progress. He scheduled me for another check in December. I was hoping I would not have to go back until next year but I think he just wants to be sure.
We also discussed my MRI. He is going to review it. He was very worried about my right leg pain. He sent me down for an x-ray on my leg and pelvis. I should get results some time next week. My leg is only painful when I slightly rotate it open and lift it. He thinks because of that there may be an issue with my hip socket. Who knows. It has been getting worse. It was originally why I went to the doctor in January but got distracted.
I am trying to stretch and stay active. I hope it will just work itself out. We shall see. I could very likely have mild arthritis in my hip as well.
I hope everyone watched the show "Stand Up for Cancer" it was great. I watched some of it. It was very difficult and honestly made me cry in spots. There a lot of people out there who have it a hell of a lot rougher than I do. I try to feel lucky but its not all that easy. I am posting a link to the website: Standupforcancer.org. Check it out.
The family pulled me away from the TV and we went for a treat at the new Sonic. It was great taking the boys and eating in an old fashioned Drive In. It was great.
The Ducks kicked Utah's butt today!!! Now its time to get ready for Purdue. We better win. I made a bet with a colleague at work and I not going to fly a Purdue flag above my desk all week if the Ducks lose!!!
Well that should do it for today. Life is good.
My counts are below:

My doctor is fairly happy with my progress. He scheduled me for another check in December. I was hoping I would not have to go back until next year but I think he just wants to be sure.
We also discussed my MRI. He is going to review it. He was very worried about my right leg pain. He sent me down for an x-ray on my leg and pelvis. I should get results some time next week. My leg is only painful when I slightly rotate it open and lift it. He thinks because of that there may be an issue with my hip socket. Who knows. It has been getting worse. It was originally why I went to the doctor in January but got distracted.
I am trying to stretch and stay active. I hope it will just work itself out. We shall see. I could very likely have mild arthritis in my hip as well.
I hope everyone watched the show "Stand Up for Cancer" it was great. I watched some of it. It was very difficult and honestly made me cry in spots. There a lot of people out there who have it a hell of a lot rougher than I do. I try to feel lucky but its not all that easy. I am posting a link to the website: Standupforcancer.org. Check it out.
The family pulled me away from the TV and we went for a treat at the new Sonic. It was great taking the boys and eating in an old fashioned Drive In. It was great.
The Ducks kicked Utah's butt today!!! Now its time to get ready for Purdue. We better win. I made a bet with a colleague at work and I not going to fly a Purdue flag above my desk all week if the Ducks lose!!!
Well that should do it for today. Life is good.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Happy Anniversary to Me!!
It is my Anniversary today! We have been married for 17 years! I find it very hard to believe. Before I met Theresa, the longest relationship I had was for 6 months.
It is amazing how your life can change at Midnight in Springfield, Oregon!!
We are off to Phantom today at 1pm. It should be 3 hours of non stop action!!! After that we are going to have an early dinner somewhere, maybe Ringside.
Hey the Ducks won last night! They beat the heck out of the Huskies!! Looking good.
I have my next doctors appointment I think next week. Its just my regular CBC test.
I am sure its fine.
Hears to another 17 years with no rocky waves. Nothing but smooth sailing!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is amazing how your life can change at Midnight in Springfield, Oregon!!
We are off to Phantom today at 1pm. It should be 3 hours of non stop action!!! After that we are going to have an early dinner somewhere, maybe Ringside.
Hey the Ducks won last night! They beat the heck out of the Huskies!! Looking good.
I have my next doctors appointment I think next week. Its just my regular CBC test.
I am sure its fine.
Hears to another 17 years with no rocky waves. Nothing but smooth sailing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Another Day
Well moving toward another Mid Week (Hump Day)!!!
I am going on my first business trip since going back to work! It should make the week go by a lot faster.
I went to the Eye Doctor on Saturday. Can you believe my eyes have actually gotten better! It seems the prescription I got 3 years ago was too strong. This is probably why I have been eye strain and headaches!
Anyway I got a brand new prescription and will have a new pair of glasses my Monday! I am also getting a pair of sun glasses.
Everything else is going sort of OK. My Anniversary is this weekend!! We have been married since 1991 (No Way- it seems like Yesterday!!)
Not sure what the plan is. More than likely dinner out. It should be fun what ever we do.
Have a great long weekend!!!
I am going on my first business trip since going back to work! It should make the week go by a lot faster.
I went to the Eye Doctor on Saturday. Can you believe my eyes have actually gotten better! It seems the prescription I got 3 years ago was too strong. This is probably why I have been eye strain and headaches!
Anyway I got a brand new prescription and will have a new pair of glasses my Monday! I am also getting a pair of sun glasses.
Everything else is going sort of OK. My Anniversary is this weekend!! We have been married since 1991 (No Way- it seems like Yesterday!!)
Not sure what the plan is. More than likely dinner out. It should be fun what ever we do.
Have a great long weekend!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
MRI Results
I got the results of my MRI today in the mail as well as my latest blood work.
MRI does not show any damage that would cause nerve pain in my leg. It did indicate however that I do have mild arthritis. Yeah Ha!!!!!!!!!!
Also, the doctor noted that my bone marrow is "mottled". Meaning it is streaky and blotchy in color. He relates that to my Leukemia and my chemo.
Other than that everything is fine.
My counts are as follows:
WBC 5.3
PLATELETS- 170,000- Down from 203,000 last check.
No thyroid issues either.
So all in all things are looking good. I still don't understand why I get tired but I am going to keep trying to stay as active as possible. I started walking the dog after work. It seems to help.
Everyone is getting back from Diamond Lake late this evening. Looking forward to seeing everyone. I am not very good by myself!
Well, got to do some work around the house!!
Talk to you later.
MRI does not show any damage that would cause nerve pain in my leg. It did indicate however that I do have mild arthritis. Yeah Ha!!!!!!!!!!
Also, the doctor noted that my bone marrow is "mottled". Meaning it is streaky and blotchy in color. He relates that to my Leukemia and my chemo.
Other than that everything is fine.
My counts are as follows:
WBC 5.3
PLATELETS- 170,000- Down from 203,000 last check.
No thyroid issues either.
So all in all things are looking good. I still don't understand why I get tired but I am going to keep trying to stay as active as possible. I started walking the dog after work. It seems to help.
Everyone is getting back from Diamond Lake late this evening. Looking forward to seeing everyone. I am not very good by myself!
Well, got to do some work around the house!!
Talk to you later.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saw My Doctor
Well, I went back to my general doctor Friday. I had not seen him since his referral in January to Dr. Chang.
I am still having fatigue issues and my back is driving me nuts. He is going to run some blood test, check my thyroid and he ordered an MRI for me.
He is going to also review Dr. Chang's notes. So I will wait and see what he thinks. My goal is to get my back under control! Hopefully that will help with my fatigue.
However, if my the fatigue was related to my back pain I would be tired all the time. So I don't know, I am sick of dealing with both of them.
Hopefully I can get the MRI first thing next week before Theresa and the boys go on vacation on Wednesday.
My Doctor would not even speculate as to the cause. So its back to test after test after test for awhile until I run this little challenge down.
I feel like "Ground Hogs Day" and it scares the heck out of me. If they find something I am not sure if I can deal with it.
Anyway, its been a good weekend. Aaron and I went and played miniature golf last night. It was a lot of fun. Need to more of that stuff with both the boys.
Cam went and got his drivers manual Friday and plans on taking the written driving test Tuesday. So he could have his drivers permit by Wednesday!!! Oh My God!!! I just cant believe it he is getting older by the minute.
Well that's all for now. Watching the Olympics- USA vs China basketball. But I already know who won because it was on the front page right when I logged into the Internet.
Take it easy!!!
I am still having fatigue issues and my back is driving me nuts. He is going to run some blood test, check my thyroid and he ordered an MRI for me.
He is going to also review Dr. Chang's notes. So I will wait and see what he thinks. My goal is to get my back under control! Hopefully that will help with my fatigue.
However, if my the fatigue was related to my back pain I would be tired all the time. So I don't know, I am sick of dealing with both of them.
Hopefully I can get the MRI first thing next week before Theresa and the boys go on vacation on Wednesday.
My Doctor would not even speculate as to the cause. So its back to test after test after test for awhile until I run this little challenge down.
I feel like "Ground Hogs Day" and it scares the heck out of me. If they find something I am not sure if I can deal with it.
Anyway, its been a good weekend. Aaron and I went and played miniature golf last night. It was a lot of fun. Need to more of that stuff with both the boys.
Cam went and got his drivers manual Friday and plans on taking the written driving test Tuesday. So he could have his drivers permit by Wednesday!!! Oh My God!!! I just cant believe it he is getting older by the minute.
Well that's all for now. Watching the Olympics- USA vs China basketball. But I already know who won because it was on the front page right when I logged into the Internet.
Take it easy!!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Kids Home from Camp
Well the boys got back today from Boyscout summer camp! It was strange not having kids around all week.
We had a good time together but missed the boys.
Cameron got his Lifeguard certification which was a ton of work.
Aaron got 4 merit badges----AWESOME!!
Check out the waterfront at Meriweather. It is a fantastic camp..

Both the boys are looking forward to doing nothing for awhile. They are dead tired.
Cam's Birthday is tomorrow and is very excited to turn 15!! Not sure how I feel about teaching him to drive. We shall see how that works out!!
I have been feeling better than two weeks ago but still get tired very easy. I am going to my General Doc next Friday. I have not seen him since my HCL Diagnosis and thought it would be a good idea to see him. I want figure out if there is anything he can suggest to help me through this fatigue issue.
I also need to figure out and fix my back issues. Ever since I got back from the Hospital I have been having chronic back problems. It is sore but not so bad I need medication. However, it is irritating and may be contributing to my fatigue.
I also need to get some recommendations on a good eye doctor. I need new glasses and I am getting more and more eye fatigue.
Other than that things are going fine and I am feeling good. Very interested to see where my counts end up in September.
Talk to you soon!!
We had a good time together but missed the boys.
Cameron got his Lifeguard certification which was a ton of work.
Aaron got 4 merit badges----AWESOME!!
Check out the waterfront at Meriweather. It is a fantastic camp..

Both the boys are looking forward to doing nothing for awhile. They are dead tired.
Cam's Birthday is tomorrow and is very excited to turn 15!! Not sure how I feel about teaching him to drive. We shall see how that works out!!
I have been feeling better than two weeks ago but still get tired very easy. I am going to my General Doc next Friday. I have not seen him since my HCL Diagnosis and thought it would be a good idea to see him. I want figure out if there is anything he can suggest to help me through this fatigue issue.
I also need to figure out and fix my back issues. Ever since I got back from the Hospital I have been having chronic back problems. It is sore but not so bad I need medication. However, it is irritating and may be contributing to my fatigue.
I also need to get some recommendations on a good eye doctor. I need new glasses and I am getting more and more eye fatigue.
Other than that things are going fine and I am feeling good. Very interested to see where my counts end up in September.
Talk to you soon!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hi All
Sorry for not posting for so long but last week was not an easy week.
For some reason, I lost all of my energy. It was as if I had come out of remission and my HCL was back and by Tuesday it had gotten so bad that Theresa insisted I go back to the doctor and I did.
Thankfully my counts are rock solid. WBC was 5.0 and my platelets were at 203,000. So that was not the cause.
Doctor said I probably have a mild viral infection and that was draining my energy. He said if things don't get better in a few to come back.
As of today things are better. However, I definitely need to be aware of my limits. I seem to not have the stamina I used to which is interesting. There is nothing in the literature which discuss this drop in energy post treatment. Yet, at least for me it is real and I have to manage to it.
This is something I am hoping gets better with time. We will have to see. Its just a little wrinkle, no big deal.
I also want to say thanks to my Mom for the birthday party on Saturday. It was great. I am very glad to see 43 and be healthy.
Any way Theresa and Cam are going to watch a movie now and I am going to play my new TOY, which will remain secret until Aaron gets home Saturday.
See you,
For some reason, I lost all of my energy. It was as if I had come out of remission and my HCL was back and by Tuesday it had gotten so bad that Theresa insisted I go back to the doctor and I did.
Thankfully my counts are rock solid. WBC was 5.0 and my platelets were at 203,000. So that was not the cause.
Doctor said I probably have a mild viral infection and that was draining my energy. He said if things don't get better in a few to come back.
As of today things are better. However, I definitely need to be aware of my limits. I seem to not have the stamina I used to which is interesting. There is nothing in the literature which discuss this drop in energy post treatment. Yet, at least for me it is real and I have to manage to it.
This is something I am hoping gets better with time. We will have to see. Its just a little wrinkle, no big deal.
I also want to say thanks to my Mom for the birthday party on Saturday. It was great. I am very glad to see 43 and be healthy.
Any way Theresa and Cam are going to watch a movie now and I am going to play my new TOY, which will remain secret until Aaron gets home Saturday.
See you,
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Florida Trip
Well I am back!! Cam and I had a wonderful time. It truly was a trip of a life time. We did everything you could imagine. We deep sea fished, Snorkeled off one of the reefs, went sailing on a 34 foot boat, spent the night on a private island, toured Key west and went to Disney World.
Are you kidding me!! It was a fast and furious pace but we both did great and enjoyed every minute. I have attached a few pictures below.
Fantastic facility and a wonderful staff.

Are you kidding me!! It was a fast and furious pace but we both did great and enjoyed every minute. I have attached a few pictures below.
This were we stayed for the week: Florida Seabase

Cam Caught 3 fish Deep Sea fishing

Snorkeling was amazing
Sailing was great! They have very nice boats for the kids to learn on.

All in all the high adventure trip for the boys was a great learning experience and for me and Cam a trip of a life time!!

After leaving Key West we headed north to the Florida Everglades which was very interesting.
Disneyland was the next stop in our trip and we had a wonderful time. It was tough to see everything in 3 days but we did a good job. We even stayed up until 4am riding all the rides we could at the Magic Kingdom. They stayed open late in celebration of the 4th of July. It was great but very exhausting.
Well, hopefully that gives you the flavor of our trip. As I said it was a once in life time experience for me and Cam. As he is getting older these kind of opportunities are few and far between. However, to go on a trip like this is truly unique.
It was worth all the challenges I had to go through to get go on this trip. I made right decisions!!
I was amazed how good I felt all week and kept pace with Cam and the rest of the group. I didn't think about anything but having fun!!

All in all the high adventure trip for the boys was a great learning experience and for me and Cam a trip of a life time!!

After leaving Key West we headed north to the Florida Everglades which was very interesting.
Disneyland was the next stop in our trip and we had a wonderful time. It was tough to see everything in 3 days but we did a good job. We even stayed up until 4am riding all the rides we could at the Magic Kingdom. They stayed open late in celebration of the 4th of July. It was great but very exhausting.

Well, hopefully that gives you the flavor of our trip. As I said it was a once in life time experience for me and Cam. As he is getting older these kind of opportunities are few and far between. However, to go on a trip like this is truly unique.
It was worth all the challenges I had to go through to get go on this trip. I made right decisions!!
I was amazed how good I felt all week and kept pace with Cam and the rest of the group. I didn't think about anything but having fun!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
On a Jet Plane!!
Cam and I leave for Florida tonight. It will be a long night but by 4pm Monday we will be in our hotel in Key West!!
Both he and I have been looking forward to this for a very long time.
Thank you 2CDA it got me better so I can go to this with him and I am very grateful.
Its going to be a blast. I am thinking about bringing my Laptop so I can post when I am there. Not sure. I will see.
If you don't hear from me until 7-5 that's why.
We had the Boyscout Plant Auction yesterday all day. We didn't do as well as last year but I think we did OK.
It was bit chaotic but fun. Thanks to everyone who bought plants and donated to the Scouts.
Well, busy morning getting ready to go.
Talk to you later.
Cam and I leave for Florida tonight. It will be a long night but by 4pm Monday we will be in our hotel in Key West!!
Both he and I have been looking forward to this for a very long time.
Thank you 2CDA it got me better so I can go to this with him and I am very grateful.
Its going to be a blast. I am thinking about bringing my Laptop so I can post when I am there. Not sure. I will see.
If you don't hear from me until 7-5 that's why.
We had the Boyscout Plant Auction yesterday all day. We didn't do as well as last year but I think we did OK.
It was bit chaotic but fun. Thanks to everyone who bought plants and donated to the Scouts.
Well, busy morning getting ready to go.
Talk to you later.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The relay for life
The relay for life is this weekend starting tomorrow. Attached is a link to a local team in my area.
It is still accepting donations and you can donate to honor a cancer suvivor.
I hope you participate. I also saved it as a link on right side of my blog.
It is still accepting donations and you can donate to honor a cancer suvivor.
I hope you participate. I also saved it as a link on right side of my blog.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Added a new link
I still search Google for articles on HCL. I asked the question "Does HCL ever go away"?
The link was the first link to come up. Good simple explanation.
Talk to you later.
Greg G
The link was the first link to come up. Good simple explanation.
Talk to you later.
Greg G
Sunday, June 15, 2008
To My Father:
Happy Dads Day!! You deserve it.. Like I said last night, your my Number 1 Dad (well, my only dad so I guess it makes you number 1 by default!) Just kidding>>>>>
I am having an awesome Fathers Day. I got breakfast in bed, scrambled eggs and peanut butter and jelly Face Sandwich!! The best ever...
I also got a new 3 Doors Down CD, which I already put on my IPOD. They also gave me a picture of the 3 of us at my first camp out post treatment!!! It was Camporee. Its the picture I posted day we got back from camp. I have great kids.!!! I am very blessed.
My boys are also taking me to see the HULK today. I can't wait. Looks like another great Marvel Comic Movie!!! This is the summer of Super Hero Movies...
I had my sister, her kids , my parents and my brother over last night. She is in town visiting for a couple of weeks. It was great to see every one. All of the kids are getting very tall and grown up. I made a great Tenderloin but I need to get better using my new grill. It was a little on the dry side.
Weather this weekend has been great but a little breezy at night. Everyone was a little chilly sitting in the back yard.
One week from today Cam and I will be getting ready for our RED EYE flight to Key West. It is going to be interesting... Not sure how well the boys will travel that late at night. We shall see.
But it gives us one day of relaxation before we start the high adventure camp on Tuesday.
As you can tell I have absolutely zero to report on the HCL front. I will post new links if I come across interesting info. Again my next appointment is first week of September. I am looking forward to seeing where my counts our. My guess is the same as last time. Very stable and normal.
After that its every 6 months for a couple of visits. Then once a year. Have a good one!!!
Happy Dads Day!! You deserve it.. Like I said last night, your my Number 1 Dad (well, my only dad so I guess it makes you number 1 by default!) Just kidding>>>>>
I am having an awesome Fathers Day. I got breakfast in bed, scrambled eggs and peanut butter and jelly Face Sandwich!! The best ever...
I also got a new 3 Doors Down CD, which I already put on my IPOD. They also gave me a picture of the 3 of us at my first camp out post treatment!!! It was Camporee. Its the picture I posted day we got back from camp. I have great kids.!!! I am very blessed.
My boys are also taking me to see the HULK today. I can't wait. Looks like another great Marvel Comic Movie!!! This is the summer of Super Hero Movies...
I had my sister, her kids , my parents and my brother over last night. She is in town visiting for a couple of weeks. It was great to see every one. All of the kids are getting very tall and grown up. I made a great Tenderloin but I need to get better using my new grill. It was a little on the dry side.
Weather this weekend has been great but a little breezy at night. Everyone was a little chilly sitting in the back yard.
One week from today Cam and I will be getting ready for our RED EYE flight to Key West. It is going to be interesting... Not sure how well the boys will travel that late at night. We shall see.
But it gives us one day of relaxation before we start the high adventure camp on Tuesday.
As you can tell I have absolutely zero to report on the HCL front. I will post new links if I come across interesting info. Again my next appointment is first week of September. I am looking forward to seeing where my counts our. My guess is the same as last time. Very stable and normal.
After that its every 6 months for a couple of visits. Then once a year. Have a good one!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Most of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going out to breakfast. More to come later.
See ya........
Going out to breakfast. More to come later.
See ya........
Friday, June 6, 2008
As the song goes "Thank God its Friday".....
Great Disco Movie too. I love the "Leather Man" ... Dancing is his life and everything else is Bull SH...
No one has any idea what I am talking about, unless you like Donna Summer.
Had a crazy crazy week. Work is out of control but keeping me busy.
Took care of my hospital bill issue. Well, I never mentioned it. Legacy felt it was wise to send me one bill for my hospital stay. ONE BILL, are you nuts.. I am not Richy Rich.
Good news ,they will work with you but you have to ask. They don't advertise it or advise you. Its up to the "patient" to figure it out.
What a joke. I spent 4 days feeling like crap and stressing out. Only to get a another surprise a month later and no options.
It worked out but I don't understand why they don't send you a letter giving you options. Yet they send you a nice survey asking how I enjoyed the stay....
Amazingly enough I got better... Thank God!!!!
I guess I have to give them a passing grade.
Well, the business side of Cancer treatment is being dealt with so all is good.
On another note:
Cameron earned over $100 from his last can drive. He can use it for spending money on our trip. All the kids are getting very excited to go.
We have all the details about done and only 2 weeks to go. It will be fantastic!!! I will post pictures if possible. I am thinking about taking my laptop so I can keep you all up to date on our frolic thru Florida..
That State will never be the same.. Watch out for the boys of Troop 194!!!!!
Well, I am done for today. Take it easy and have a great weekend.
Great Disco Movie too. I love the "Leather Man" ... Dancing is his life and everything else is Bull SH...
No one has any idea what I am talking about, unless you like Donna Summer.
Had a crazy crazy week. Work is out of control but keeping me busy.
Took care of my hospital bill issue. Well, I never mentioned it. Legacy felt it was wise to send me one bill for my hospital stay. ONE BILL, are you nuts.. I am not Richy Rich.
Good news ,they will work with you but you have to ask. They don't advertise it or advise you. Its up to the "patient" to figure it out.
What a joke. I spent 4 days feeling like crap and stressing out. Only to get a another surprise a month later and no options.
It worked out but I don't understand why they don't send you a letter giving you options. Yet they send you a nice survey asking how I enjoyed the stay....
Amazingly enough I got better... Thank God!!!!
I guess I have to give them a passing grade.
Well, the business side of Cancer treatment is being dealt with so all is good.
On another note:
Cameron earned over $100 from his last can drive. He can use it for spending money on our trip. All the kids are getting very excited to go.
We have all the details about done and only 2 weeks to go. It will be fantastic!!! I will post pictures if possible. I am thinking about taking my laptop so I can keep you all up to date on our frolic thru Florida..
That State will never be the same.. Watch out for the boys of Troop 194!!!!!
Well, I am done for today. Take it easy and have a great weekend.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Hi to all!
Yesterday was a so, so work day but after work Cameron and I went swimming. We had to get some swim time in so that we can get ready for our high adventure vacation in Florida. The whole group got together at the pool.
I was a bit concerned about swimming since I had no idea how I would feel. I really have not done any major physical activity since my treatment.
I did really well! My stamina is not great but I made it through the BSA Swim test (practice). I will be ready for the real one.
Cam and I did some racing also. I beat him on the first 25 meters. He beat on the second 25. He is in better condition then I am!
We had fun diving on the diving board also. Its nice to get out and laugh together!!
Looking forward to the Vacation I need it. We all do! I wish the whole family could go.
Anyway, I just need to get through the next few weeks at work. Its been a bit stressful but not too bad. Almost done with the two projects I have been working on. That will get rid of the stress for sure. Everything esle is going well.
Say Happy Birthday to Tree!!! (Sunday)
See ya later, not much to report.
Yesterday was a so, so work day but after work Cameron and I went swimming. We had to get some swim time in so that we can get ready for our high adventure vacation in Florida. The whole group got together at the pool.
I was a bit concerned about swimming since I had no idea how I would feel. I really have not done any major physical activity since my treatment.
I did really well! My stamina is not great but I made it through the BSA Swim test (practice). I will be ready for the real one.
Cam and I did some racing also. I beat him on the first 25 meters. He beat on the second 25. He is in better condition then I am!
We had fun diving on the diving board also. Its nice to get out and laugh together!!
Looking forward to the Vacation I need it. We all do! I wish the whole family could go.
Anyway, I just need to get through the next few weeks at work. Its been a bit stressful but not too bad. Almost done with the two projects I have been working on. That will get rid of the stress for sure. Everything esle is going well.
Say Happy Birthday to Tree!!! (Sunday)
See ya later, not much to report.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Grilling Time
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Its all Good
To me, this is what is best in life: The Simple Things

Well it was a great night on Friday! Sat outside with Theresa and Aaron and had a fire. It was great!!

Saturday, Cameron and I did another bottle drive for our Seabase Adventure!! Took all day but I think we did great! I went a got a new BAR-B- Q!!! My Costco special died. But they gave me a full refund! So I went to Home Depot and bought an awesome new one. I finally get to hook up my Natural Gas. I am so excited.
Hey, good things are a coming!!!
Tomorrow ...WE GRILL!!!!
Everything else is going well. I am beat so I will talk to you later!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
New Counts
Had my check up today. Counts below:
WBC- 4.4 (Wow!! Best ever!!!)
RBC- 4.36
PLT- 198,000 (down from 264,000 from 5-2)
HGB- 14.5
HCT- 42.4
NE%- 75.3
LY%- 7.6
ANC- 3,330 (which is awesome)
I will add my spreadsheets later on just thought I would get these up right away.
Looks like I am in full remission and I don't go back to my Doctor until September.
Well got to go. Talk to you tomorrow.
WBC- 4.4 (Wow!! Best ever!!!)
RBC- 4.36
PLT- 198,000 (down from 264,000 from 5-2)
HGB- 14.5
HCT- 42.4
NE%- 75.3
LY%- 7.6
ANC- 3,330 (which is awesome)
I will add my spreadsheets later on just thought I would get these up right away.
Looks like I am in full remission and I don't go back to my Doctor until September.
Well got to go. Talk to you tomorrow.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Memorial Day!!
Its been a very soggy holiday!! Oh well we went to the movies this afternoon and saw the new Narnia movie. It was good. Everyone enjoyed it...
We also saw the new Indiana Jones movie Saturday afternoon. It was a tad bit cheesy but good.
The ending was a little over the top but typical Steven Spielberg.
Besides the Movies we did get a few things done over the wet weekend. Theresa and I trimmed the hedge in the front yard. Well, she did the trimming and I did the supervising. Also we worked on cleaning up our oldest Piglet's room. He has dust bunnies bigger than Chase.
We got most of his certificates and medals put in frames and are working on getting them on the wall. Also going to touch up his walls. It has been over 5 years since we painted his room.
Now we are watching basketball.. I am little tired but so is Theresa.
We had a great time talking with the next door neighbors on Saturday. I got a chance to let them know what has been going on with my Cancer. They are very supportive and offered to help any time we need it.
I must say I am very blessed to be surrounded by people who care about each other. This is a great neighborhood. We are very very lucky.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow at 2pm and will get new counts. I will post them as soon as I get home. I don't anticipate any major revelations. They have been very predictable and should be considerably higher than they were 3 weeks ago. After this appointment I will only be going every 6 months, which will be nice.
Anyway, hope all is well with everyone and I will talk to you later.
We also saw the new Indiana Jones movie Saturday afternoon. It was a tad bit cheesy but good.
The ending was a little over the top but typical Steven Spielberg.
Besides the Movies we did get a few things done over the wet weekend. Theresa and I trimmed the hedge in the front yard. Well, she did the trimming and I did the supervising. Also we worked on cleaning up our oldest Piglet's room. He has dust bunnies bigger than Chase.
We got most of his certificates and medals put in frames and are working on getting them on the wall. Also going to touch up his walls. It has been over 5 years since we painted his room.
Now we are watching basketball.. I am little tired but so is Theresa.
We had a great time talking with the next door neighbors on Saturday. I got a chance to let them know what has been going on with my Cancer. They are very supportive and offered to help any time we need it.
I must say I am very blessed to be surrounded by people who care about each other. This is a great neighborhood. We are very very lucky.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow at 2pm and will get new counts. I will post them as soon as I get home. I don't anticipate any major revelations. They have been very predictable and should be considerably higher than they were 3 weeks ago. After this appointment I will only be going every 6 months, which will be nice.
Anyway, hope all is well with everyone and I will talk to you later.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Long Week
Quick update before I am off to bed!
It has been a very busy and long week.. Activities everyday after work which is great for Cameron but tough on me.
Aaron is at outdoor school and gets home tomorrow. I am concerned because it has been so cold and rainy. He didn't pack his warm winter coat. Hopefully not to bad for him. He has been very excited to go and I want him to have a great time.
I think I got him set up with Soccer. I went to the parent meeting tonight. Too many kids came out for the team and they will have to make cuts!! This is crazy it is a lot harder then I thought to sign him up for soccer. Theresa has been doing tones of research just for SOCCER!!
It will be worth it though. He loves it and I want to see him do well and finally have a good coach!
Work has been interesting as usually, demanding and never boring. That's good, job security!!
Looking forward to 3 days of peace and quiet at home. I have been a tad depressed again the last few days. Not sure why??? I think I am getting nervous about my appointment on Tuesday. My counts should be fine, normal would be my guess. However, I still worry. That is why this "Watch and Wait" stuff is going to take some getting used to. I don't have the personality for it.
I will shape soon. Otherwise I will be getting a boot in butt!!!
9:23pm and past my bed time (Yawn)
It has been a very busy and long week.. Activities everyday after work which is great for Cameron but tough on me.
Aaron is at outdoor school and gets home tomorrow. I am concerned because it has been so cold and rainy. He didn't pack his warm winter coat. Hopefully not to bad for him. He has been very excited to go and I want him to have a great time.
I think I got him set up with Soccer. I went to the parent meeting tonight. Too many kids came out for the team and they will have to make cuts!! This is crazy it is a lot harder then I thought to sign him up for soccer. Theresa has been doing tones of research just for SOCCER!!
It will be worth it though. He loves it and I want to see him do well and finally have a good coach!
Work has been interesting as usually, demanding and never boring. That's good, job security!!
Looking forward to 3 days of peace and quiet at home. I have been a tad depressed again the last few days. Not sure why??? I think I am getting nervous about my appointment on Tuesday. My counts should be fine, normal would be my guess. However, I still worry. That is why this "Watch and Wait" stuff is going to take some getting used to. I don't have the personality for it.
I will shape soon. Otherwise I will be getting a boot in butt!!!
9:23pm and past my bed time (Yawn)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
First Camp out since Treatment

Took the boys to Butte Creek for the 08 Camporee for our Boy Scout District. There were only about 200 kids and adults. This is small compared to the over 600 kids we had in 06 and the 500 we had last year in 07.
However, it it was the first time it did not rain!! But it was 95 degrees, very hot. Cameron and Aaron had a great time. Despite the fact that Cam got heat stroke on Saturday. He was a trooper and stuck it out so that he could go to Saturday Night Camp Fire.
At the Camp Fire he was very surprised to find out that after 3 years of trying he made it into the Order of the Arrow!!!! Congratulations Cameron. Here he is after is Tap Out Ceremony!!

I can not tell you how proud I am of him. He has come a long way since he started scouts. He is becoming a very solid leader and wonderful person.
Aaron had a blast to, he went all over the camp on Saturday doing all the activities and despite the heat he had a great time..
Check out the platform and flag pole they both worked on this weekend!!

Check the new tent I got. It worked great and is easy to set up.

It was a great time! This is why I am glad to finally be feeling better and getting back to the things I love to do, spend time with the boys doing Boyscout stuff!!!

Thank God for 2cda!!! All in all things are back to normal!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Howdy - Howdy
I know I have not been posting every day. But like I said earlier, things so far physically are moving in the right direction so I don't want to be boring.
I got home today from Aaron's soccer tryouts and was very excited about my very nice yard. All mowed, edged and weeded. You have no idea how it makes me feel to see such a nice yard!! It takes away a ton of stress..
Believe me I have enough to worry about, just getting through the work day the last few days has been interesting. Its nothing physical its all in my little noodle.
Getting back into the swing of things started out fine. What I didn't realize is how emotional I can be without much to push me over the edge. My customer has been a tad bit "chirpy" regarding my pricing and threatening to pull business (what ever-they wont). Also, for some reason my boss jumped my butt in a meeting I called at his request to fix issues in another department. I had a side bar meeting with him afterwards and still have no idea where he was coming from.
Normally, no big deal!! But, I was shaken up I had trouble getting back into the swing of things. I finally went to restroom , went into the stall and believe it or not I started crying!! I have no clue why..Its embarrassing and absolutely can not continue down that road or I will get eaten alive.
I thought I had my self together but apparently I don't. I am hoping it has to do with my low counts still. If not I hope it goes away soon.
I have to admit I ask myself about a million times a day, what do I do next?? Why did I go through this and what does it mean?? There are people who always say "Things happen for a reason" and I am trying to believe that but lately its been very difficult.
I mean honestly, if things happen for a reason then why did I loose my job 5 time after leaving Omaha in order gain more security (money) for my family and end up with Cancer??
While you are pondering that ask yourself why my 18 year old neighbor who has been battling cancer since middle school finally got his life back 2 years ago, got accepted into OSU only find out he has cancer again 2 months before Graduation.... Think about it...WHY???
What ever the "message" is I don't know yet but I am hoping I will find out.
I just want 2 things for my well deserving family:
1.) A steady well paying CAREER
2.) A well deserved break and vacation for them especially Theresa.
I not looking to get over or big the man on campus. Just take care of my family and take them to a few places they will always remember.
I am not asking for anything from anyone and I am not asking for someone to say, "I'm sorry"... I am just trying to get my sh*&^ together and catch a few breaks.
Yet, when I think of my neighbor I actually feel selfish for complaining. He is still in the hospital and has battled harder then I ever will. Everyone pray for him and his family, please.
Well, this is what I call a 'VENT POST"!! Its the only way I can get this stuff out of my head right now so that I don't drive my wife nuts!!!
But hey, my counts are on the way up and things can only get better!!!
By the way, I would not have been able to get through this with out all of your help and support....
Thanks for listening....
I know I have not been posting every day. But like I said earlier, things so far physically are moving in the right direction so I don't want to be boring.
I got home today from Aaron's soccer tryouts and was very excited about my very nice yard. All mowed, edged and weeded. You have no idea how it makes me feel to see such a nice yard!! It takes away a ton of stress..
Believe me I have enough to worry about, just getting through the work day the last few days has been interesting. Its nothing physical its all in my little noodle.
Getting back into the swing of things started out fine. What I didn't realize is how emotional I can be without much to push me over the edge. My customer has been a tad bit "chirpy" regarding my pricing and threatening to pull business (what ever-they wont). Also, for some reason my boss jumped my butt in a meeting I called at his request to fix issues in another department. I had a side bar meeting with him afterwards and still have no idea where he was coming from.
Normally, no big deal!! But, I was shaken up I had trouble getting back into the swing of things. I finally went to restroom , went into the stall and believe it or not I started crying!! I have no clue why..Its embarrassing and absolutely can not continue down that road or I will get eaten alive.
I thought I had my self together but apparently I don't. I am hoping it has to do with my low counts still. If not I hope it goes away soon.
I have to admit I ask myself about a million times a day, what do I do next?? Why did I go through this and what does it mean?? There are people who always say "Things happen for a reason" and I am trying to believe that but lately its been very difficult.
I mean honestly, if things happen for a reason then why did I loose my job 5 time after leaving Omaha in order gain more security (money) for my family and end up with Cancer??
While you are pondering that ask yourself why my 18 year old neighbor who has been battling cancer since middle school finally got his life back 2 years ago, got accepted into OSU only find out he has cancer again 2 months before Graduation.... Think about it...WHY???
What ever the "message" is I don't know yet but I am hoping I will find out.
I just want 2 things for my well deserving family:
1.) A steady well paying CAREER
2.) A well deserved break and vacation for them especially Theresa.
I not looking to get over or big the man on campus. Just take care of my family and take them to a few places they will always remember.
I am not asking for anything from anyone and I am not asking for someone to say, "I'm sorry"... I am just trying to get my sh*&^ together and catch a few breaks.
Yet, when I think of my neighbor I actually feel selfish for complaining. He is still in the hospital and has battled harder then I ever will. Everyone pray for him and his family, please.
Well, this is what I call a 'VENT POST"!! Its the only way I can get this stuff out of my head right now so that I don't drive my wife nuts!!!
But hey, my counts are on the way up and things can only get better!!!
By the way, I would not have been able to get through this with out all of your help and support....
Thanks for listening....
Friday, May 9, 2008
Happy Mothers Day Weekend
Its the end of another work week!! It went very well, fairly low key again. I have not been as tired by the end of the day this week as I was last week. Maybe my counts are going up and up??
We have another busy weekend.. Fill the Bus fundraiser for the Food bank, night out Saturday night and Mothers day Brunch.
All in all another fun weekend!! I am looking forward to next weekend. Boyscout weekend with the boys, Camporee.. It will be fun to get out camping. Hopefully no rain. However, it has rained at every Camporee for 4 years...
Last night Cameron and I went to a Boy Scout meeting to discuss his path to Eagle Scout. He got more motivated. I think the guy made him think twice about putting it off. He also wants to apply for the Eagle Scout Scholarship which would be very helpful for college.
Not much going on tonight just watching basketball and taking it easy.
Not much else to say so goodbye. Have a great weekend.
We have another busy weekend.. Fill the Bus fundraiser for the Food bank, night out Saturday night and Mothers day Brunch.
All in all another fun weekend!! I am looking forward to next weekend. Boyscout weekend with the boys, Camporee.. It will be fun to get out camping. Hopefully no rain. However, it has rained at every Camporee for 4 years...
Last night Cameron and I went to a Boy Scout meeting to discuss his path to Eagle Scout. He got more motivated. I think the guy made him think twice about putting it off. He also wants to apply for the Eagle Scout Scholarship which would be very helpful for college.
Not much going on tonight just watching basketball and taking it easy.
Not much else to say so goodbye. Have a great weekend.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Busy Weekend
We were very busy this weekend. It is back to the mad dash!! We had Sea Base Barbecue all day Saturday. We raised $600 cooking hot dogs!! SWEET! Cameron is about covered for the trip!!
After that we went to see IRON MAN.. This is very significant because I was extremely upset that would not be able to go see on Opening night the movie I have been waiting A YEAR to see. Since my counts were so good I threw caution to the wind!!
It was a tad bit stressful at first but we absolutely had a blast. Great movie!! Go see it!!
On Sunday I took Aaron for his try out for Sherwood Soccer. It was kind of a cluster and we ended up having to come back later in the day because no 13 year olds signed up for the try out so he had to work with the 14 year olds. He did great and he has another try out Tuesday! Cross your fingers.
After that I crashed hard and woke up and went to work!!
By the way, my mother, best mom in the whole world, is setting me up with a Lawn Service for the summer. Very excited about that... Finally my back yard wont look like WHITE TRASH central!!! Also the home owners association wont foreclose on my house due to the crappy yard.
Work is going good. I am back in full force, yeah haw!! Its almost like I never left and nothing ever happened.. Except for the owner, who is very cautious and wants to make sure I am feeling good and not coming in contact with anyone, including himself, who is sick or who could infect me.
I told him before I really appreciate it.. I am very lucky to have that kind of support.
Well, nothing else to report. I don't see the Doctor until end of the month so everyone will have to wait on pins and needles until I get my next CBC results. Boy, its almost like a cliff hanger isn't it.. VERY DRAMATIC!!!!!!!!!!!!
Getting goofy... Good night.
We were very busy this weekend. It is back to the mad dash!! We had Sea Base Barbecue all day Saturday. We raised $600 cooking hot dogs!! SWEET! Cameron is about covered for the trip!!
After that we went to see IRON MAN.. This is very significant because I was extremely upset that would not be able to go see on Opening night the movie I have been waiting A YEAR to see. Since my counts were so good I threw caution to the wind!!
It was a tad bit stressful at first but we absolutely had a blast. Great movie!! Go see it!!
On Sunday I took Aaron for his try out for Sherwood Soccer. It was kind of a cluster and we ended up having to come back later in the day because no 13 year olds signed up for the try out so he had to work with the 14 year olds. He did great and he has another try out Tuesday! Cross your fingers.
After that I crashed hard and woke up and went to work!!
By the way, my mother, best mom in the whole world, is setting me up with a Lawn Service for the summer. Very excited about that... Finally my back yard wont look like WHITE TRASH central!!! Also the home owners association wont foreclose on my house due to the crappy yard.
Work is going good. I am back in full force, yeah haw!! Its almost like I never left and nothing ever happened.. Except for the owner, who is very cautious and wants to make sure I am feeling good and not coming in contact with anyone, including himself, who is sick or who could infect me.
I told him before I really appreciate it.. I am very lucky to have that kind of support.
Well, nothing else to report. I don't see the Doctor until end of the month so everyone will have to wait on pins and needles until I get my next CBC results. Boy, its almost like a cliff hanger isn't it.. VERY DRAMATIC!!!!!!!!!!!!
Getting goofy... Good night.
Friday, May 2, 2008
New counts!!
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