He was not able to attend the drive because he is at a re-treat for his Confirmation. The boys voted that it would be OK for me to fill in for him so that he could get credit for attending the fundraiser.
I did what I could. I helped load and unload cans. I tried very hard to not lift anything with my right arm since that arm has the PICC line in it.
I made it until about 11:30am. By then it was getting hot and my legs and stomach were cramping up again real bad. I got a ride home and had a little lunch. I didn't eat very much because my stomach was so upset.
Its weird, I have not had any problems with Nausea until day 4? This may have also been caused by being out side on a hot day.
After I ate lunch I crashed really hard. I slept for 3 hours!! Theresa had to wake me up and drag me into the shower.
I am glad she does because I do feel better after I take a shower. Its just a pain in the butt. By the way she likes my "butt". She said I have girls butt.. I will take that as a positive.

So after my shower Theresa and I went to dinner with Mom and Dad. I wanted to see them before my treatment was over and I am isolated. I felt a little better than this afternoon but I was not sure how I do at dinner.
We went to a nice place, Manzana in LO. It was not too busy and the food is good. It was also a great evening Awesome weather!!!
I ordered a Tenderloin and mash potatoes.. It looked really good BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I felt like I was going to Puke when I started eating it. I should of taken the Vomit Medicine. Oh well it was nice to visit with them, even though I didn't say hardly anything.
Then we went and had a quick visit at Stephs house. While we were there my legs were still bugging me so I took another Vicodine. After about 20 minutes I felt better.
We talked for awhile or Theresa and Steph talked, I just sat.
After about an hour we left and came home. We changed the sheets on the bed. Now its time to go to sleep.
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