Didn't do much much on Saturday. I finally put moss killer on my grass and got it down just before it started raining. I really need to get yard work done. My grass looks awful. The front looks pretty good though.
After that we did some house cleaning. Theresa is getting the house GERM FREE, in preparation for my treatment. We already discussed with the boys the importance of washing hands and staying clear from me after I finish my Chemo. They are willing to do what they can for me. My mom offered to take the dog off my hands but I don't think that is necessary. It would just make me miss him!
Went out to dinner at 5:30pm last night. We were looking forward to going to a sports bar we have never been to but it turned out to be a smokers heaven!! I about threw up when we went in. It was not at all like its description on its website. SURPRISE!!
So we had a drink and moved to another place and had a nice dinner. I ate half a hamburger. Pathetic isn't it. I am truly a BIRD BELLY!!! It was nice to get out of the house and visit with friends however.
On Sunday, we went to church. I came home from church, took a nap for 2 hours and then went out delivering flyers for Cams POP CAN drive for Sea Base. We need to do another one tomorrow night also. Unfortunately, the next two weeks are fairly busy for Boy Scouts, figures right!
Got home from that about 45 minuets ago. I thought I had a scratchy eye and is kind of itchy. I had Theresa look at it and guess what I have big old BLACK EYE!! Where the Hell did that come from???? I didn't hit myself, unless I did it in my sleep... which was the only time I didn't have my glasses on. Very very strange... I going to take a picture of it and post this and other weird things I notice, just so everyone doesn't think I am losing it or becoming a hypochondriac.
Check it out below:

So there you have it! The unbelievably exciting weekend of GREG before he goes on Chemo.
Living life on the edge just in case!!!!
Yeah, NOT
Well that's about it for now. I will let you know how the things go tomorrow at Hospital when they put in the IV line. By the way, Theresa is going with me to the doctors on Tuesday. It will be helpful to have a second pair of ears. I don't want to screw anything up.
Talk to you tomorrow.
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