Saturday, August 16, 2008

MRI Results

I got the results of my MRI today in the mail as well as my latest blood work.

MRI does not show any damage that would cause nerve pain in my leg. It did indicate however that I do have mild arthritis. Yeah Ha!!!!!!!!!!

Also, the doctor noted that my bone marrow is "mottled". Meaning it is streaky and blotchy in color. He relates that to my Leukemia and my chemo.

Other than that everything is fine.

My counts are as follows:

WBC 5.3
PLATELETS- 170,000- Down from 203,000 last check.

No thyroid issues either.

So all in all things are looking good. I still don't understand why I get tired but I am going to keep trying to stay as active as possible. I started walking the dog after work. It seems to help.

Everyone is getting back from Diamond Lake late this evening. Looking forward to seeing everyone. I am not very good by myself!

Well, got to do some work around the house!!

Talk to you later.

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