Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another Saturday


No change this week. It still hurts like hell and seems to be getting worse. I about lost it at work and left early yesterday. I am worried they will hold it against me for leaving early so I am going in early Monday and Tuesday of next week.

I am struggling trying to understand and cope with what is going on. I am frustrated and don't know what to do. I can not live on Ibuprofen and Vicodin. I need some sort of diagnosis so I can fix it.

Aaron has a soccer game in Hood River today. Not sure if I can make the trip which makes it very rough on Theresa.

I know she is getting frustrated, having to take care of me again. This year is a complete nightmare and I hope I wake up from it soon.

My Doctor never called me back to schedule my MRA and I am very pissed. It has never taken this long for me to get anything scheduled. I even told them that my pain is getting worse and please hurry. I got zero response!!!

I have been very fortunate so far to have great doctors, until now. I guess he is not worried since all my tests come back negative. He probably thinks I am nuts. He might be right!!!!!

Well, I am going to limp through another weekend and hope for the best next week.

Take it easy.........

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