Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yet another Test

Sounds like Grounds Hogs day the movie!!

first, my second MRI came back negative? Yet my leg is killing me. It is a dull ache all the time and still huts when I move it.

I went to an Orthopedic Doctor yesterday. He moved my leg around and reviewed all my tests and flat out could not find any reason why it hurts. The only thing he could think of was to do an MRA to see if my Labrum was torn.

The Labrum is the soft tissue in my hip joint. If it is torn it causes severe hip pain and is the most difficult to diagnose. The only way to see it is in an MRA or during an arthroscopic procedure.

MRA-magnetic resonance angiogram

They will inject die into my hip joint and use the MRI machine to take a picture of my Labrum.

I will be having the test hopefully next week. If it comes back negative, I am really not sure what to do.

I don't think this is the problem as I have no idea how I would have injured myself this way. I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I am taking Aleve for pain and does not seem to be working but I will keep taking it and hope I get some relief soon.

This feels just like before I was diagnosed with HCL. A lot of test, questions and uncertainty.

I cant believe I am having all these issues this year. I think the HCL was more than enough!

All I can do is keep going and eventually it will work itself out, some how!


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