Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just another Weekend

Happy Sunday all!!

I finally painted my back door and did some touch up work outside... Even on Vicodin I can still paint inside the lines!!

We finally got an answer to our Ground Squirrel problem. Thanks to Pete's Pest Control!! Sealed up all the holes and set traps. Hopefully no more scratching over the winter.

Aarons soccer team won 6-1 on Saturday!! He had an awesome diving save. He is getting to be a very good goaly.

I tried some new pain medication this afternoon Darvocet. I guess it is not suppose to knock you out like Vicodin does. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! It totally wiped me out!! So much for having something I can take and drive to work with little pain and take after work to drive home with little pain.

My luck has sucked so far this year so why should it be any different now. I am just going to have to suck it up for two more weeks or longer!! My business trip is going to be a joke and not a lot of fun. We will see what my doctor says but I am hoping I can cancel it.

At this point I cant image 6 hours on the plane, 2 hours in a car and sleeping in a hotel. Then walking all day and flying all night home. What ever...........

I am getting loopy again and the ability to make good sentences is rapidly going away. So, I will sign off for today.

I have said it before but my life is like the movie "Ground Hogs Day" , same thing every day. I pray 2009 finally brings something good for me and my family. Maybe I don't deserve it but I know Theresa absolutely deserves a very long string of good luck and low stress. I am crossing everything I have to make sure it happens!

Good Nite!!!

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