Sunday, July 19, 2009

Busy Weekend!!

It has been a very busy weekend. Aaron had 4 soccer games, 2 on Friday and two on Sunday.

Unfortunately, they got there butts kicked in all 4 games. Aaron played great even though he broke his wrist on the first game!!

Just a small fracture no big deal. He ended up playing all the games just not as Keeper. Very proud of him as he played hard and didn't let his sore wrist get in the way.

I think as they play more games together they will improve very quickly as team.

He and Theresa left for Lake Shasta this morning! Aaron has been looking forward to this for a long time and I am glad he did not end up with a cast and miss his trip.

My hip has been feeling much better this weekend. Even with the increased weight and activity.

It makes me feel like I truly am on the downside of this "issue"...I just cant wait to finally get all the benefits of the surgery and have ZERO PAIN!!! Otherwise what was the point...

As you can see I joined the rest of the world and signed up for Facebook. We shall see how it goes.

I really cant think of anything else to write so I will see you later....

1 comment:

Hua said...

Hello Greg,

Too bad Aaron and his team had there butt kicked! But there are always next time, right?

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