Monday, August 10, 2009

Seattle Trip

I am back from my monthly trek to Seattle for my PAO followup. I spend three hours driving just to have a 20 minute check up and then three hours home. Oh well, it is what it is.

My hip has completely re-modeled very nicely. Everything looks good and stable. I told the doctor about the pain I have been experiencing over the last week and half. It turns out that my "hip flexor" is still healing.

Picture Below:

When they did the procedure they had to completely release that muscle from my hip and them stitch it back in place. It takes about 10 to 11 weeks for that to completely heal. It is usually the last thing to stop hurting. I still have pain when you push in the area of the incision and that was explained to me as a small piece of bone still healing in that spot.

No further explanation regarding my numbness but I will keep bringing it up.

I have two more weeks on crutches then I can go to my cane. When I add more weight the doctor also wants me to scale down my activities for a week in order to allow my leg to adjust. That also may be why I am sore. I am just doing too much.

I voiced my concern about my right side beginning to flare up and I need to wait and reserve any judgement. It is nearly impossible with all that is going on that I can make any assessment about my other side. My right leg is working over time and my body needs time to adjust to the new alignment in my left side.

I will just keep logging here when it hurts and how much. I am not going through that surgery again. I don't think I can handle it and I know it would be too rough on the family... NOT AGAIN.

So far so good..


Anonymous said...

Hope things continue to improve.

I get the whole "not again" thing with knowing that one of our kids has hip issues also. Never would have thought I'd had needed 7 hip surgeries on the thing, never would have thought we'd be dealing with similar issues in our kid either.

It is easier (to me) being the patient a parent, I find not being able to help my child rather frustrating...or maybe that's because of the dr interactions we've had for her thus far...or maybe it's because we just know way too much about all this stuff already...or maybe a bit of each of all of it.

Personally, I'd like to click my heels 3 times and wish it all to just go away. But since that's not reality, guess we just have to be as strong as an advocate for ourselves, our kids, and others as much as possible.

It sure sucked having moved and having to start all over with new docs for all of us though...the whole learning curve of this all is so steep and the whole corresponding disbelief within certain parts of the orthopedic community (and general care as well) is just, well, disheartening and so damn frustrating.

Can I go bury my head in the sand for awhile?!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Greg. It's nice knowing others out there get what I'm saying.

No phone call back. Poor dad...he just wants to ensure his family is going to be taken care of before he leaves for Iraq. Don't think it's too much to ask either...