Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hump Day

Its Hump Day and we are Kid less!! Boys are at Boyscout camp. They went to Camp Pioneer which is a smaller camp but it is beautiful!

Its nice to be alone for awhile but I do miss them. I also miss being at the camp. It is one of the things I enjoy the most and miss a great deal! I enjoy, being with the boys and helping them finish all the merit badges they sign up for. I also enjoy hanging out with other dads. They are a lot of fun.

I am running out of summer camps with Cam so it is even more upsetting that I am missing it. I think I get one more camp out of him before he graduates!!

Work has been fine but sitting all day this week has been a challenge. I don't know what it is but I am getting up a lot more than normal.

My hip today hurts quite a bit more than earlier this week. I am not sure what the issue is. Maybe the swimming I did on Monday was to much? I don't know but it is not feeling well at all. I have an ice pack on my hip right now. I did however, do my PT exercises but it hurt like hell (specific pain level isn't it)..... I am going to try to take weight off of it the rest of the week and hope it helps.

My right side has been bugging me also. Its not bad but it does bother me driving in to work and going home. I think its just over use. Until I get off my crutches and start walking normally I am going to have some pain...

I go to the Doctor on Monday so I will know more then.

Took my dog to the vet yesterday. He has been limping for awhile. Turns out he has Arthritis in every joint! Put him on low dose of pain meds for two weeks. Unfortunately, age is starting to catch up with him and I think this is just an example of what is to come. He is 10 years old and honestly I have been expecting him to start showing his age.

Good news is the medication is working as he is happy today and seems to feel better.

Keep your fingers crossed on a good doctors visit. I think I am traveling solo Monday..

See ya....

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