Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting closer to the Weekend

Well, it has been another long week! My right hip is up and down this week. It is interesting because it is popping when I rotate it away from my body and it is loud.

The pain is deep in the joint and radiates to the right side of my butt. I guess it feels like someone hit me with a board across my right side....

At least I have been able to concentrate at work. It has not been easy but what else is new! I have not walked normally for almost two weeks. I know it is going to screw up my left side but if I don't limp I can't make it through the day.

I am going to try swimming again on Sunday. The worst that can happen is it continues to hurt like hell....AND like I said earlier...WHAT ELSE IS NEW.

I am all of the sudden not feeling good about all the money I spent and all the wasted weeks in recovery!!

Some day its just got to get better...Until then I guess we just keep on pushing forward!!!

Have a good day and talk to you later!!

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