Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quick Update


Went to the Blazer Game with Theresa last week on Wednesday it was a lot of fun and they beat the hell out of the Bucks!!

I got the report back from my Dermatologist Friday and the biopsy on my lip came back negative! So good news. Just need to follow up in 6 months.

I had an uneventful weekend. Did not do a whole lot on Saturday. Went swimming with Cam on Sunday. It was about a 30 minute workout. Good to get back to swimming.

However, it been a very crappy week so far. My right hip has been on fire the last two days. So bad I have been having a lot of trouble walking. It is a deep pain right in hip joint. When I move it around it is extremely painful, tight and makes a knocking noise. Very weird! I am icing down and using heat. It really has not helped. I am getting around at work by limping. It is hurting my left leg a lot.

I am also back taking a ton of Ibuprofen and Tylenol. Sucks!! Sucks a lot!!! I am suppose to go with Aaron on a trip to mountains this weekend for Boy Scouts. It will be the first trip since the 2008 Florida Seabase trip with Cam.

I hope things settle down, if they don't it will be another weekend at home instead of camping!

Keep your fingers crossed.

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