Monday, November 9, 2009

Late Update

I have been a bit behind in my updates, sorry!

I actually have not been feeling up to it. The most activity I have had was the USC Game!! Over a week ago!

My legs have been very sore. Particularly my right side. The pain is a deeper ache. Like the bone pains I used to have before my surgeries.

To try to get better I am back to doing my PT and I finally started swimming again, 2 times!!

I am desperate to keep this up. I don't really have a choice. Not only are my legs very sore but I am gaining weight, which is a NO NO!!

I am going to swim Monday and Wednesday. Then do my exercises in between. I will also try to get a swim in on a Saturday if possible.

I am in very bad shape! I can only swim for about 20 minutes before I give up, which is a joke. If I keep it up I should get stronger fairly quickly.

I also hope this helps with my fatigue. It still has not gotten better but I am managing it fairly well. We shall see as the weeks go by how this works. Cross your fingers.

I am going to a Re-union party this weekend and the Duck vs ASU game! Its going to be another long day but it should be fun. I am looking forward to it. I hope my legs feel good as I do not want be limping around at the game in front of old friends!

Well that is about it for now. Its another busy, stress filled work week!!

Take care.

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