Thursday, March 27, 2008

Late Update Again

Another late post!! Over the last two days I have been on a downward slide. My energy is about zero and I am not eating very well....

I feel like the flu is coming back. No fever thank goodness.

Yesterday afternoon at work I had a near meltdown! Believe it or not I started crying. I went into the plant and hid until I felt better. I didn't talk to anyone or take calls the rest of the day. I went to bed at 8:30. At least I slept through the night.

I am so glad I going to the doctors next week. A consultation on Tuesday and my current Dr. on Thursday.

Today I could hardly get through the day. I left at 2:00. When I got home I slept from 3 to 6pm.

Now the weird part about all this is when I woke up this morning and looked at myself in the mirror, I had broken blood vessels all around the outside of both my eyes. I about crapped my pants. They are going away and don't hurt.


The rest of my face is just getting uglier and uglier. I have not read anything that says your complexion goes to nuts with this. However, my seems to be heading in that direction.

My platelets must be going down. Anyway, I hope I start feeling better soon.

Well, I am not doing a good job at explaining myself. Sorry,I am way out sync and just feel CRAPPY!!!

Off to bed!!

Happy B-Day to my number one oldest Nephew!!

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