Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Followup of Doctor visit

So I think it is about time I tell you all what my doctor said on Monday!

Surprisingly it was very straightforward and not very complicated.

First of all he said everything went as planned. He showed us pictures of the procedure. He explained that my labrum had a lot of "stretch marks" and very "stringy" which indicates it has been rubbing against something. He showed me where the tear was. It was not as bad of a tear as I thought. He did not even need to anchor it down. Because of my shallow hip sockets my labrum is stretched fairly tight, tighter than he would like and based on the lack of severity of the tear he left it alone. The tissue below the labrum was very very red again indicating a great deal of rubbing which was causing all the pain.

He also showed me how my hip joint has begun to degenerate as a result of my dysplasia. Its not bad but it is not consistent with a 43 year old man. So hopefully we can slow it down or stop it and avoid a hip replacement!

He spent most of the time reshaping my Femur. He said he is about 80% sure this procedure will eliminate all my pain. We seem to be heading in the right direction. My pain has become more manageable. I am off all of the heavy pain meds. I am slowing getting myself off of Vicodin. I have been only taken it at night if I need it. Which to date has been every night! Usually 2. This is way down from what I have been taking over the last 4 months. Some where between 4-8 a day.

He also removed the stitches! The incisions are mostly healed by now and look great. He told me I don't need to use the crutches anymore!!! YEAH!! They were driving me nuts and I suck using them!!! They get in the way and spent most of my time picking them up off the floor! He suggested I use my cane only to steady myself and keep myself from falling.

He explained that the bone will be weak as a result of the re-shaping so I can not fall! If I do I might break it!! Dr Downer said no one has ever broken his/her femur after this procedure and he did not want me to be the first!

So, looks like we wait! I will have some pain and it could last for up to 4 months. If after 6 months I continue with hip pain we may need to re-think our strategy and focus on my dysplasia. I go back in about a month.

Its all good and I am telling you I truly feel things are finally going in the right direction after 1 year of stress, tears (well not mine cause I am a real MAN) and uncertainly.... By the way, everyone says I look GOOD!! I have been getting compliments over the last two days!!

Either I am a Hottie or I looked like absolute DOG CRAP for a year!!!!

After I see my this Doc in Feb I will be seeing my Hemo Doc for a routine CBC. After that smooth sailing and no surprises!!

Take it easy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad things are going well. Sounds like the doc REALLY was open and honest with you. That is PRICELESS.

So, what's the update this week? Still well?
