Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Beginning of the slow drip!!

As you can see I got my PICC line in yesterday. The nurse had to stick me in the arm, then string a catheter with a stiff wire up the vein in my arm and stop just above my Superior Vena Cava which is your main vein that goes into your heart. The reason to push the catheter so far up is to make sure the drug mixes the maximum amount of blood as possible and to keep my veins from getting damaged by the Chemo Drug.

The fashionable black pack attached to my hip is the IV pump. Sexy, isn't it!! I have a tube running from PICC Line and into the pump. It runs down the side of my body so that I can hide it with my shirt. The rest of the tubing is wrapped around the pump for storage. I have enough tubing to position the pump any way I need to, just in case.

The pump flows .5ml per hour. I have 84 ml of Cladribine (2cda) to go through by Tuesday. It is set to flow slowly which means I shouldn't really feel any different until this weekend.

I have VOMIT pills just in case!! I don't think I will need them.

The biggest pain in the butt is making sure the PICC line hole isn't bleeding. If it does I have to go to the hospital or the office to have the bandage changed. Two hours after I had it in last night I had to back to the hospital because I was bleeding like a stuck pig!!

No worries so far though. They made the pump idiot proof, by disabling all the buttons except the on/off button. I don't need to change the cartridge either. Pretty darn simple!!

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