Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Continuing to feel better

Well it almost the end of another day and I am feeling good. I'm tired but I am feeling good. I almost forgot what it was like to not be nauseated (which is a word I could never spell until now) and have a fever all the time.

I was telling my Mom and Theresa that I didn't need numbers on clock or even hands. I could tell what time it was by how I felt. Nausea before noon, low grade fever by 3pm and a raging fever by 7pm. EVERY DAY!

I had a final surprise in this wonderful Odyssey. I went to my doctors office at 3:40 to get an IV of antibiotics and it took for ever!! When I was in the hospital it took less than 15 minutes and was a relatively small bag. Now the bag is huge and took an hour. No big deal but I didn't get a chance to prepare, like bring something to entertain myself while hanging out for an hour with all the happy old people in the IV Therapy Room. I will be bringing my IPOD tomorrow. I going to try to get a picture as well.

Sorry but these posts are getting less exciting as move farther down the recovery road!!

Talk to you tomorrow!

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